Halloweek Followupppp
(imagine it sung like this).
what I did during halloweek
-carved pumpkins! I utilized the method of scraping off the outer skin to reveal the inner yellowish skin so the light glows through, and I like the result! I made Turkey Vultures! Dale (one of my roomies) carved the owl.
We watched Fern Gully while we carved them, which apparently 2 out of our party of 4 had NEVER SEEN. Preposterous.
-ate lots and LOTS of candy. I usually am not that into candy, but for some reason I've been super into candy this Halloween season. I can't stop.
Sour watermelons, 3 Musketeers, and Tootsie Pops have been pretty popular around here. Everyone was obsessed with Tootsie Pops for awhile because our executive director didn't believe that the Indian shooting the bow and arrow with the star was real, but it IS.
-visited an apple farm and bought the most delicious carmel apple I've ever eaten. Covered in gourmet carmel and Reeses Pieces
-Drew my little bat girl and her friends
-Changed my mind about a Halloween costume 13,203 times. I was originally going to be Batgirl, so I bought a mask and a cape (which a cape can be used anytime, so I'm happy about that). But then everyone wanted to do a group costume, so we switched to wanting to go as Jurassic Park scientists and dinosaurs to Fern Gully characters to now Nightmare Before Christmas characters. I was down with all of them, but I can really get on board with NBC (clearly). I'm probably going as Barrel.
(skeleton boy, for you non-crazies)
-read scary stories! Creepypastas (or "spooky noodles") on the way home from programs, short stories lent to me by my mom, and a book called "Penpal" that was really creepy and heartbreaking. I recommend it, but you can avoid buying the book and just read the short stories that started it here.
(it's a real photo of me! No, really!)
-watched a TON of Halloweeny movies! I am incredibly satisfied by the amount of horror movies I watched. The reason for it is a) I switched my Netflix to disc so I can get them that way and b) we found the Family Video in town. I miss old school video rental places, I have a lot of childhood nostalgia for them: picking out a plastic cased VHS and our candy of choice, Fun Dip, for the weekend, or a random horror movie to start my Halloween Horror tradition (American Werewolf in London). They had a whole shelf of Halloween favorites for only a $1 for two nights, so we rented so many movies.
We watched
and of course

-we did an owl release on Halloween (as well as the week before). It entailed making pine cone bird feeders for kids, candy and drinks, an educational owl program with our Great Horned Owl, and then the release of two wild Great Horned Owls. The magic of seeing an owl flying into the dark woods on silent wings is really indescribable.
Happy Owloween!
We also took some photos of Fonzie (our owl) on gravestones in the cemetery. It was spooky and awesome.
We then spent the rest of the evening watching our final Halloweeny movies (appropriately, Halloween and Nightmare Before Christmas!) and drinking. We are planning on going to a Halloween party on Saturday, so no worries! I will get my dancing and drinking fix in, too!
Next October season I definitely want to do more: hiking, bonfires, leaf pictures, woodland explorations, REAL costumes, and a huge Halloween party! (or multiple...)
Better start planning! There's only 365 days left until next Halloween!