Carnivals at night/sunset
We're going to a CARNIVAL TONIGHT!!! And I love carnivals at night so so much because of all the beautiful glowy, rainbow lights! So beautifulll! This one in particular is right on the beach, which is even better ♥
Reading nerdy books about training
I have been reading through what some people call the "animal trainer's bible" and it's awesome. I spend nights off when I'm not doing anything else watching TV in the background while I flip through the book and take notes. NERD ALERT.
Bob's Burgers
This show is so amazing. I was only sort of into the first season, though there were some truly laugh out loud moments, but since the second season I have been consistently loving it. Especially since every character is basically AMAZING!

Possibilities for volunteering with rehab
I used to do rehab occasionally (mostly for raptors), and I miss it! This is a photo of me when I was at REGI and I tube-fed a GHOW. I'm also a novice rehabilitator in the state of MN! So I'm going to apply to volunteer at the ARK, a rehab facility that takes care of birds and sea turtles! I'm excited for the prospect.
The Bird Cage
I just watched this movie last night and it was AMAZINGGGG!! I loved it so much. Robin Williams is perfection, I absolutely adore Nathan Lane, and their "maid" Agador was THE BEST. Soooo yeah, I really liked it.

My new car! And help getting that new car.
My Opa flew in from Utah to help me find a new car because the process was EXHAUSTING. We looked at so many different cars and it was so hot and humid and by the end I was so incredibly brain-dead I had to make a choice and I went with a blue Rio Kia! I love her (I think she's a girl car), I'm just sad that she's not a standard :( But I've gotten used to the automatic. Plus, she's BLUE.

Fiesta eggs or Cascarones
Cascarones are a hispanic tradition; they're colored eggs with paper mache glued on the end to keep in beautiful sparkly confetti. You smash them on other people's heads and it gives them good luck! This past week was Fiesta week in San Antonio, a festival celebrated in conjunction with Easter (it's kind of like Mardi Gras), and these guys were everywhere. We got some for animal enrichment, too, which was AWESOME to see the boys crush them in their talons.
San Antonio River Walk
The River Walk is so beautiful! I loved it a lot. It was cool by the river, we ate mexican food and drank margaritas, watched boats going by, and then we went on a boat tour!
Mutton Busting
The cutest sport EVER! I almost used a photo from a website talking about how it was child and animal abuse, but the sheep really just trot around the arena and the child tumbles off. Children tumble of trees all the time and they're FINEEEE. Anyways, we watched it during the rodeo we went to for Buccaneer Days, a festival held in Corpus Christi each year!
Servals in boxes
The other day we gave our serval a box for enrichment and as I left at the end of the day, I saw him sitting in it. IT WAS SO CUTE!!! Proof that any sized cat loves a good box.
I have once again spent most of the day on my bed in my jim jams. Time to go grocery shopping and get some stuff done before I go to the carnival!