Stepping up a parrot
This might sound like a completely inane thing to someone who isn't an animal person. To someone who isn't even a bird person. But stepping up a parrot is a huge deal. Parrots are incredibly social animals, but they can also be hard to read. They provide you with hints and cues that are so subtle, it seems like nothing. A tiny dilation of the pupil or a slight slicking back of the feathers and all of a sudden you're in the emergency room. Some parrots are small and a bite is nothing but a bruise, or some broken skin. With macaws, it's a different issue entirely. Which is why this prospect was so exciting. I've only held a macaw twice before in my life, when I worked at the aviary. This was my third time and it was magical. I'm starting to work with Kogi, our Military Macaw, and yesterday was a huge step in our relationship. After a great session, I ended it with a step-up, gave him a great big almond, and then set him back down again. I'm excited to continue working with him!
Heartfelt conversations
I had a really embarrassing slight breakdown the other day, but luckily I had someone to talk to about it. I talk to people everyday about my issues, feelings, what I ate for breakfast, etc. I'm sort of an oversharing kind of person. However, when there are big issues I have, things that eat away at my heart like a poison, I keep it inside. I don't want to bother others with things like that, and I don't want anyone to think negatively of me because of it. Yesterday I had one of those moments where everything had just one wrong all day. I felt like a royal fuck-up. So I had to say something. Luckily, I did get to have the conversation that was threatening to be regurgitated all day, and I was reassured. And we discussed our passion for our jobs, and why we do what we do. It was nice; I need these conversations from time to time.
Flying a hawk to my glove
I've had the wonderful opportunity of flying a hawk to my glove before, but never in an open air situation without a creance, onstage, during a show with 300 people in the audience. It's thrilling to be able to see people's faces as a Harris's Hawk flies low over their heads, primary feathers sweeping their hair as he flies toward my glove. It makes me proud to do what I do.
Happy Hour
Alcoholic drinks are not always involved in my top ten, but actually let's be real they usually are. Happy Hour is the best because who doesn't love lower priced drinks and snackums? I hung out with some peeps, drank A LOT, and got weird sushi. It was great.
Sleeping in during a thunderstorm
During my weekend, there was a huge thunderstorm overnight. It lasted into the morning, and I love love LOVE the feeling of knowing you can just stay in bed, snuggle into the blankets, and not have to worry about going out in the rain. It reminds me of Jack Johnson's song, "Banana Pancakes".
Impulse candy
Sometimes, you go shopping for just a couple of necessary items and you see a bin filled with 99 cent candy. And sometimes a box of Whoppers is perched precariously on the edge of that bin. And sometimes the Whoppers call to you with their sweet siren voices. And then you buy a box and eat the whole thing. WELP it might've happened to me...

Hoenn confirmed!
HOENN REMAKES HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED! The Sapphire and Ruby pokemon games are very near and dear to my heart, and now they're going to be in 3D!!! AHHH! Now I HAVE to get a 3DS! Shouldn't the first big purchase I make with my new adult paycheck be a gameboy?
Burning Man
Once again, the possibility of Burning Man looms on the horizon. Will I ever actually go to this phenomenon? And if I do, will I ever have enough space on my 16 gb memory card for all the photos I'm going to take? Alibus invited me to go with her fan, and she is definitely going this time and I really want to join her because it will literally be EPIC. I just need to figure out how to swing vacation time and see if I can afford a ticket. Other than that, I'm golden! If I did end up going (which I really hope I do!), I would definitely want to make gifts to hand out, since that is a Burning Man tradition!
Feeding tigers
THAT'S RIGHT, I fed a tiger! Jess has a friend in Houston who works at an aquarium (where they have tigers...), and we were able to visit her and see the white tigers and then FEED THEM! We also were able to feed a sloth and visit their behind-the-scenes animals, like parrots, fennec foxes, and Auger Buzzards.
(also I'm having a love affair with this picture)
I love roadtrips. I am a person specially made for road trips. My entire family dislikes them; my mother becomes hostile after about 12 hours (which is how long our beachhouse trips were). I have fond memories of waking up at 5 AM and either having toasted waffles with butter pressed into our hands or stopping at the McDonald's drive thru for a sausage mcmuffin, trying to stay awake so I could watch the stars as we drove on quiet highways, faces illuminated by the dashboard lights. My mom prepared us "roadtrip baskets" filled with games and puzzles to keep us occupied during our trip. I distinctly remember receiving a Jabba's Palace Star Wars micromachine set and I was THRILLED. Roadtrip soundtracks were composed of Peter, Paul, and Mary, The Beatles, and Simon and Garfunkle. I love roadtrips.
Jess and I went on a roadtrip to Houston! Houston is only 3 hours away, which isn't as exciting as the 12 hour trip to central Cali, but it was still a roadtrip. We listened to a lot more Ke$ha than I would have as a child (since she didn't really exist yet as an artist). I love roadtrips.
Special Mention
-Friends who listen to your bitchin'
-Every America's Next Top Model episode is on Hulu Plus and I'm freaking out right now
-Corner Bakery Mac 'n Cheese
-Giving a porcupine a high-five
-Trained alligators
-Otter cuties
-Drive-through bars