A sunset on the water; I must remember to be thankful for what I have :)
Sean came over and we listed to ska music and danced in the kitchen and played the guitar. It made me feel better.
I prepared a LOT of things for this dinosaur-themed birthday party of mine...
Happy National Elephant Day! This is my roommate's car buddy, she loves elephants!
I got a lot of mileage out of these lil guys. Also ignore my animal care dry/cracked/perma-dirty hands.
I really wanted to do a dinosaur-themed photo shoot for my birthday to make myself feel better and because why not? Drea and I went to the beach and took photos with Tarantino, the triceratops piñata, and it made my life infinitely better.
Went out for snow cones with Drea and Andrea. This spot is one of the most popular in the city, and with good reason: ICE CREAM IN THEIR SNOW CONES!
We finally got to have my party! My Jurassic Park/dinosaur themed party was a hit. We had an outdoor party people showed up as the margarita man from the new film AKA Jimmy Buffet, Robert Muldoon, a pair of brachiosaurus, scientists, and I was Dr. Ellie Sattler. It was awesome; we took some photoshoots toward the end of the night that really turned out…beautifully. The only unfortunately thing was my iPod was lost, but I suppose the universe demands sacrifice...
Some of my wonderful presents and cards! I have such good friends.
Roadtrippin' to Austin for a float trip with Erin! I love sunset photos and review mirrors, they are so indicative of road trips for me - hazy light, The Beatles, and powdered donuts as the sky melts into night.
We floated the river and it was SO. MUCH. FUN. I never knew what I was missing until now; beer, sun, watermelon and grapes, music, cold chicken strips, even colder water…I can't WAIT to go again!!! What a great way to make my August :)
My (third) Austin experience! We floated the river, I filled up an entire disposable camera, Erin had her fairy penguins paint me a picture for my birthday, we went to Sixth Street (where I found an unplugged photobooth, plugged it back in, and was rewarded with a free photo strip), and ate Mexican food.
Immediately upon arriving home from Austin, I agreed to dog-sit for our friend. This is Mia, who is still a puppy and since this was her second time away from home, she was fairly anxious (and whined all. the. time). Lucky she's cute.
There's this abandoned building next to the aquarium that has this interesting mural on the side; we call it, originally, "the butterfly building". During our search for Coco, I found a small forest behind it containing orb-weavers, rabbits, and baby shrikes. A tiny ecosystem in the middle of a dilapidated tourist area.
I found this cute little feather outside; I think it might belong to a woodpecker. Mia was semi-interested in it.
Xander has never been featured in my 365, before! He is a little nervous of the camera, not as bold as Miss Jackie, but he is my favorite Harris Hawk so he gets a spot looking sort of freaked out by this mechanical machine clicking at him.
We gave up the search for Coco long ago at this point, and our broken hearts have started to mend. We got a new photo machine at the aquarium so I printed this photo of us to commemorate his memory. I will miss you, Coco.
I started preparing for Burning Man by tie-dying ALL THE THINGS! Tie-dying is a messy business, but it sure is fun! I hadn't done this since Minnesota, and I still have enough left to do a package of socks! There's nothing quite like dyeing on your porch during sunset while watching Steven Universe.
The charms I created to give out as gifts at Burning Man. I later painted them different colors with silver accents and called them "cosmic canaries".
I worked two night events before I left for Burning Man, burning the midnight oil after each event trying to get ready for the biggest event of my year. This sight, once again, reminds me to take a breather every once and awhile to appreciate things.
And thus the summer portion of my 365 project ends. It's strange, but fun, to be reminded of these memories from three to four months ago. This year really has been so wonderful; my summer was filled with road-trips, friends, and new adventures (all of my favorite things), this fall was filled with visits from BFFLs, an epic Halloween party, pumpkin carving, and lots of iced coffees, and of course the spring was full of flowing creative juices, fun training projects at work, and girls' nights out.
It's weird that it's December now; November really flew by at a record pace. It doesn't feel like December at all, considering that it's a crisp 60 outside with sunshine pouring from the cloudless sky. I am on my way to a baking party filled with Christmas music and decorations, so that should put me into the right state of mind. Here's to making the rest of 2015 count.