For instance, I have my photos! I've been doing the project, but I stopped posting them and editing them because of work, life, etc. But I am working on catching up! So here are some more summer photos to remember one of the best summers ever, the summer of Austin, of new roommates, of pool parties, of river floating, and dinosaurs.
On my way out of the city, after a tearful goodbye to my mother and a trip to Trader Joe's to pick up their entire stock of pomegranate limeade, I saw a food truck selling donuts. And I impulsively slammed to the left to grab me some of that. I came back to the car with a chocolate donut filled with cake batter and a donut topped with brown sugar, grilled bananas, and honey drizzle. Check out Gourdough's, if you are ever in the Austin area!
My beautiful, loving, selfless mother in front of a colorful wall. I love the contrast between her dress and the graffiti.
Beautiful blooms in Austin.
Austin is known for its street art; we saw it everywhere. It makes the city even more colorful and warm, if that was even possible.
I am obsessed with these dinosaur planters, found in a boutique along South Congress street. I fully plan on making some of my own, and SOON!
We celebrated the FIFA U.S.A women's soccer game (so many words) at our favorite taco place. Such a lovely place, such a lovely face...
Stewie dropped off a mad amount of fresh basil from the learning gardens where she volunteers. She prompted me to share them with Laura, though I definitely forgot and never did. Later on Stewie would ask her about it, to which I would leap into their conversation and exclaim that there was no reason we needed to talk about that, there was never any fresh basil, etc. They both shot me dirty looks.
The first half of the year is over; it is the thick of summer and the air is heavy with humidity and possibilities. It was my Monday and I was lacking creative focus, so I laid my treasured collection of feathers out on a skull-print cloth: a whispery soft feather from Brutus, a small, scrappy feather from Kogi, a long and elegant tail feather from an unknown pheasant from the Minnesota wood, and an eyed peacock feather from a proud male strutting the aviary grounds.
I got a bunch of awesome postcards from the Museum of the Weird in Austin to send to friends! I want to start a habit of sending more postcards in life; they're just so cool and easy!
Kogi says, "Let freedom ring!". Happy Fourth of July!
Zeppo being crazy during an outdoor session.
It's so easy to just take photos of my beautiful animals; I'm around them constantly and there is never a dull moment when you train creatures. Here is Nacho showing off her jump, jump, jump!
Roommate dinners are one of my favorite things; combined ingredients, usually a concoctions of pasta, cheese, vegetables, and meat, plus one of our favorite movies or TV shows=perfection.
This was clearly not a photo taken by me, but I love it. It's a famous mural in Austin on the side of Jo's Coffee. I wanted a photo of us next to it very badly, especially since it captures my feelings about this trip; about this roommateship in general.
An amazing urban art playground, The Hope Outdoor Gallery. People constantly add to it, take photos, and climb atop the structures in the baking sun. We didn't stay as long as I would have liked due to TRAGEDY (I dropped my phone and it cracked. AGAIN).
This is one of my favorite photos I've ever taken, I feel. THIS MURAL. I am having a love affair with this mural. And Elise just looks perfect next to it.
One of our friends has an adorable puppy, she is like the inverted version of Earth.
I got this adorable owl skeleton for Andrea since she loves skulls and hates owls.
Hanging out with Manny Calavera and reading a book.
Next door to a brewery we like to frequent is a wooden shack covered in ivy. I think it's beautiful, especially in evening light.
While in Austin, Elise and I waited for the Congress Bridge bats again. Instead of being up on the bridge, we sat on a dilapidated dock that was crumbling into the water and played "would you rather" as the sun set. Unfortunately we never were able to see the bats since a boat was BLASTING TERRIBLE MUSIC underneath it! Those poor bats!
We saw THIS DARLING PUPPY outside of the burger place we went to for lunch in Austin. OH MY GOD IT WAS SO CUTE I CANNOT EVEN.
Jackie with a bit of lunch still on her beak.
Zeppo trying to be sneaky.
A glimpse of the beautiful turquoise waters of Hamilton Pools. It was one of the most MAGICAL places I have ever visited; unfortunately we went right around noon so the lighting was atrocious for photos. I love how this photo captures the color of the water though.
I still have a lot of catching up to do, but here is a big dump post filled with beautiful photos (if I do say so myself)! For now, it is Halloween and I'm trying to shake off feelings of negativity to instead enjoy my favorite holiday and month :) Also, in exciting news, Megan visits next week! Basically I am so excited to PARTY and also to be a killer unicorn for Halloween!