Labradors are definitely water dogs, as evident in the not-so-tiny Riley. She ADORES water in all shapes and forms - digging in her water bowl, making a gigantic mess attempting to drink said water, and leaping into her kiddie pool are some of her favorite hobbies.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! One of my semi-traditions is giving holiday-appropriate props to creatures and taking photos of them, so enjoy Kogi being the cutest green bean with his shamrock!

Dylan and I went to the beach after dinner and saw this enormous kite zipping around in the wind. It was like a giant dragon swooping over the ocean.

We had a cookout at Raf and Lyia's house to celebrate a beautiful spring evening. We ate burgers on the patio and then sat inside with the windows wide open to drink Moscato and carnation pink wine coolers while their dog, Raja, peeked in on us to see how we were doing.

I caught this little lizard friend in the theater and took a couple of glamor shots before letting him go (if I see a lizard, I can't just not try to catch it).

Sunset walks at Sunset Lake.

We've had a myriad of animals in our bathtub (like our spiny soft-shell turtle from last summer), so it wasn't really a surprise to me when I overheard Laura speaking to someone on the phone about keeping a great-blue heron at our house overnight. I quickly asked her how much time we had before our new temporary roommate arrived and, thankfully, it was enough time for the speediest shower of my life.

Riley is obsessed with Chunk's huge rawhide bone, so she steals it on a regular basis.

Corpus Christi is the birthplace of Selena Quintanilla-PĂ©rez, a well-known tejano singer in the hispanic community. Everyone is OBSESSED with Selena here, and just a couple of years ago they created a festival to honor her called the Fiesta de la Flor. I've never been (considering the most I know about Selena is what I gleaned from the movie featuring J-Lo that I watched in Spanish every year of my life from grades 7-11), but this year one of my co-workers won free tickets as well as free drink tickets. I can't say no to free alcohol and an adventure, so we headed to Selenafest to check it out. It was like a tiny convention where everyone was dressed as Selena or bore shirts/jewelry with her name and face. Little girls wore bustiers and rhinestone jumpsuits, there were tons of taco food trucks, and the most interesting installment of all was a silent disco - essentially a DJ spinning tracks you can only hear if you wear headphones. It was a little disconcerting to see a glowing mass of people wearing blinking red headphones migrating in a slow circle, singing Selena songs at the top of their voices in unison as they listened to the music that was silent to us. The DJ was ferociously spinning his beats (dropping his beats?), a screen with colorful Selena-inspired graphics dominating the space behind him, but nothing could be heard except for the joyful crowd. SO BIZARRE. I wanted to join in on the experience, so we made our way into the pit and joined the mass of people slowly making their way in the circle, singing to Selena. However, now we could HEAR said songs! We participated for a couple of circuits around the circle and then headed out. Now I can safely say I've experience Fiesta de la Flor (and I probably don't have to go back. As one of my friends so delicately said, "well it's not like she's doing anything new so it probably won't change much year to year...").

I attended a friend's wedding shower at a small wine bar called Glow. It was aesthetically adorable, there was free sangria, and I got a beach towel as a shower gift.

On Sundays I like to hang out in coffee shops and "work". This involves editing photos, making blog posts, writing in my journal, and working on other artistic projects that I've given myself. It helps me get out of the house and do the things I enjoy that stimulate my mind vs. watching Gossip Girl in a stupor all day (which I ALSO enjoy, it just doesn't stimulate my mind as much).