There's an old, rusted train car overgrown with ivy and covered in graffiti down the road from our rehabilitation center. One time I saw a coyote in the field nearby and followed it into the "no trespassing" territory that the train car guards. I've always meant to take photos since it's so aesthetically pleasing, so this evening after a stint at Sealab (what we call the dilapidated building that houses our rehab program) I decided to go for it.

While exploring Portland I found a tiny plant shop with a beautiful garden out front.

Laura passes out anywhere: movie theaters, couches, the floor, at random people's houses...so she and Chunk took a small nap together while we watched Gossip Girl.

A Roseate Spoonbill hanging out at Sunset Lake.

I explored a park near our house that I've never been to (I've been wandering around Portland a bit since I'll be moving back to Corpus in a couple of months); there's a pathway leading right down to the ocean and a small spit of beach. The old wooden fencing lining the pathway made me think of a song I learned in Girl Scouts so many years ago - "So I went outside and left a piece of my heart buried by the third fence post. So when tomorrow morning comes I'll be smiling, though I might be a little down - though my body's leaving, I'll still be around".

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!! I've done quite a bit of googly eye pranks in the past, but since seeing this post, I knew I wanted to put the remaining google eyes I own on one of our raptor hoods. Unfortunately, the idea to do so on one of our real birds did not fly (GET IT), so I instead outfitted Valencia our practice peregrine falcon.

I attended the Reptile Expo with Andie and Geoff since I've never been to one and I love little lizards!! I was actually INCREDIBLY TEMPTED to purchase myself a crested gecko or a day gecko, but it was all so expensive and I am not a true reptile hobbyist - I would rather spend that money on birds. But day geckos (cue heart eyes emoji). Also, fun fact, that little gecko on the spray bottle leapt right onto my face!

We made some butterbeer on Sunday afternoon and I drank mine while playing Skyward Sword (but not before composing this oh so awesome HP-afied shot) #sundaynerdysunday.

Queen Cleo needed to be caught up for her beak cope. There are few things I love in this world more than a birdrito.

Bonnie, our Golden Eagle, molted this beautiful flight feather. Due to the Migratory Bird Act, we can't keep eagle feathers since we don't have permits to do so (they are usually sent to the eagle conservatory where they're handed out to different tribes that have proper permitting), but before the feather was taken care of, I had a small photoshoot because it really was such a prime specimen.

Laura found out she got into vet school!!! Such a momentous occasion was celebrated with margaritas, chips and dip, hummus, and mini-brownies while we all played Cranium with miniature dinosaurs as our players.

We were supposed to have a Xena creature feature the next day, but SOMEONE was convinced that the creature feature was THAT DAY. Twenty minutes later, Xena would not be awoken from her nap and the certain someone finally realized that the creature feature was actually set for 24 hours from that point. Since we already had someone who was interested in the creature feature (since THAT SOMEONE told her the wrong date...), we instead brought out Kitty for her to meet.
Lauren. It was Lauren who was wrong. And I super rubbed it in her face.

The Earth Day Bay Day Festival in honor of Earth Day was happening at Heritage Park downtown so I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and go to a festival by myself. I did have half-baked plans to meet up with a friend and I knew I would probably end up seeing some people I know and recognize, but ultimately going by myself to things is intimidating and I'm trying to overcome this fear. It ended up being pretty fun!! I got some free swag, including an awesome new grocery bag, some sunglasses, koozies, and information about beach cleanups, I saw a free-flight bird of prey demonstration (where I sort of judged everything going on, it was bizarre and the training techniques were archaic), and I hung around the Texas Parks and Wildlife department setup to learn about seagrass since that's where my friend's husband was being forced to teach people about said seagrass. Overall, it was a good time and I'm glad I went.

National Unicorn Day!!!
In honor of this momentous occasion, I got Kogi a tiny unicorn piƱata filled with banana chips and crystallized pineapple (he hated all of it). Though he did definitely split its face open and then utterly destroy it in a wrestling match for the ages when I dared pay attention to it vs. him.

I was sick so ended up sleeping all day and drinking approximately a gallon of pomegranate tea with honey. I love this owl mug my Gramma got me.
Up to day 100!!! I want to follow through with the entirety of Project 365 on the blog vs. two years ago when I ultimately stopped posting them here since I was so behind and the year was almost over. Now I'm only twenty days behind and that's not terrible, in my opinion!! A couple of things going on in life:
♥ Attended parts of the IMATA regional conference and now I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of training sea lions...
♥ Went to a beautiful wedding for a coworker that was right on the coast, had a live band, FIREWORKS, nine different cakes, a macaroni and cheese bar, and an open bar! TWO OPEN BARS! It was magical.
♥ Went to the March for Science on Earth Day, another step outside of my comfort zone, and stuck up for something I truly believe in.
♥ Dyed easter eggs with tons of glitter.
♥ Toured the new Caribbean Wing - it looks AMAZING with all the birds in it. T-minus 11 days until Grand Opening!!
♥ Had to put down one of our beloved spoonies :( She will be greatly missed.
I keep wanting to do actual blog posts that are not just my 365 project; ONE DAY. At least the 365 makes me update semi-regularly!! For now, trying to make it through this busy month as we open the new wing at work and I prepare to move as well as see one of my best friends move away (again), BUT WE'RE NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW!!!