We all have those situations where we've decided to do an intensive artistic project but you're out to dinner with friends and too busy drinking and laughing and eating queso to take any photos and so you must hurriedly snap something on the way out of the restaurant because it's dark outside and you're too drunk to care, right? No, is that a bit specific?

There was a point in my life (aka when I took this photo) where I second guessed how many photos of Kogi I wanted in my 365 project. But then I realized that, if I felt like it, the entire YEAR could just be filled with photos of Kogi! And I adore this animal, so why shouldn't he be featured prominently? Here he is being a stunna!

Wow, I finally got my hands on a Unicorn Frappuccino! I waited in line for hours to snag this magical beverage and I was not disappointed - the mango syrup and iridescent sour powder made it taste just like a sweet tart, and its gorgeous color palette made for an excellent photo.
jk, I called all of the Starbucks in my area and every single one of them was already out. I was BITTER, but then read a bunch of reviews about how terrible it tasted and felt better (and then made one of my own!).

Xena being cute during one of her last stage sessions before her move to the new Caribbean exhibit.

Googly eyes will never get old.

A Nautilus! They literally levitate through the water motionlessly with the help of jet propulsion; it's pretty amazing.

50 Shades of African Grey

I saw Turkey Vultures chowing down on a squirrel carcass at the park across the street and decided to take a bunch of pictures because I love vultures and the sight of them eating a dead, skinned fluffy animal at a park meant for children was an interesting juxtaposition (I love the photo of them perching on the swingset, it was a bit blurry but I still wanted to include it because it was so cool).

Someone accidentally left their zombie in the car at Target.

Taylor was on a wand-making kick in his makeshift garage shop (sawdust. EVERYWHERE). He's pretty good AND wants to get an Easy shop up and running at some point, featuring some product photography by moi!

I had been sick for a couple of days, so the past couple of photos were really a struggle to achieve (AKA I went to Target for juice and cold medicine and took a full thirty steps to get to the garage for the 122nd day's photo). I finally felt okay enough to take a shower and, reveling in the unknotted state of my hair, took a photo in the park. PSA: there is not a wad of chewing gum in my hair, that's a tiny flower. It symbolizes me feeling better and being a child of the Earth or whatever.

Laura and I went out with some of her classmates and got wasted. Oh glorious weekends off!

I occasionally help Andie with her animal training business, specifically with classes on the weekends. This was a recall class aimed at helping dogs who weren't the best at coming when called. We practiced a lot of recall exercises and gave owners and handlers tips on how to problem solve when a dog isn't listening to you. The end of class sort of morphed into a puppy pool party, which is honestly usually what ends up happening. I'm not mad about it, look how adorable!!
Back when it wasn't in the triple digits and I had weekends off!! Now it's so hot that garbage cans are melting in Arizona (and my face is melting off here in Texas) and I work weekends again. I meant to have a sendoff brunch on a Sunday as a final goodbye, but instead ended up sleeping in because of who I am as a person. However, sleeping in is also a wonderful weekend activity so I think that I still did it justice.