I was driving to Sunset Park for my usual after-work run when I saw this little rooster by the side of the road. I slowed down, curious as to what brought this tiny guy out so far away from any houses or farmland, and watched as he foraged for bugs near the ditch. I took some photos and sent them to people as a joke, like, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and other similar queries, and someone responded back saying that the rooster had been abandoned there for days :( I immediately attempted to catch him, though unfortunately he was far too fast. After my run I drove back and attempted to catch him again to no avail. When I went back the next day he was gone - I'm hoping someone picked him up and he's living on a farm somewhere, safe and sound.

Sometimes hanging out with your roommate in the vet lab while she looks at x-rays is what makes you feel better.

Someone brought a little hummingbird that was having troubles flying into our facility, so as I waited for Second Chances to come pick him up I took some photos. HE WAS SO CUTE!!

Two words: Marshmallow. Nose.

A HUUUGE perk about having weekends off is that I was FINALLY able to go to the biannual bird mart!! It's an event where there are hundreds of bird toys, stands, cages, accessories, and even BABY BIRDS for sale!! This was one of the literal PILES of baby birds that people could fawn over - kept in a small container together for warmth.

Laura's last week in Texas :( She loves to rollerblade, though sometimes doing so with Chunk takes a dangerous turn. Especially when I excitedly call Chunk to me from down the block...

Bouquets of flowers saturated with sunlight♥

Wharf Dawg!! This is one of the shrimp boat strays who hangs out in the marina near the shrimpers, who throw his dirty pillow (featured next to him in this photo; not a euphemism for something) for him over and over again and who give him seafood scraps every night. We threw his pillow for him a couple of times before heading out.

Another night outside, drinking out of sorrow and celebration because Laura was moving onto better things, but so much sadness to see her go.

Chunk makes such a beautiful lion!

We went to Surf Club for pint night as one of our last hurrahs. Scarecrow People, a fun band that mostly covers 80s and 90s music, asked for volunteers for Don't Fear the Reaper and of course Laura gave it all she got with the cowbell.

Laura wanted a Trolls themed going away party (aka neon colors and glitter), so we obliged. Our house Flip Cup team reigned supreme one last time at our Matagorda mansion (seriously, we are unbeatable), so many people came by to say goodbye to Laura, we played Kings Cup (where we realized that both Taylor and I were WASTED because Taylor could not get the rules of the game and I had the dirtiest feet of any feral child ever), we took off our shirts in the park and streaked across it in the moonlight, we smoked cigarettes on the curb and I flashed everyone (whoops), and I woke up the next morning supremely hungover with an entire bottle of glitter and burs in my hair (from rolling around in the park). Diana very eloquently put it like this, "It's like you guys all living together was a TV show and that going away party was the series finale."

I suffered through a day of work while incredibly hungover to come home to the house just utterly trashed from our party. We ignored it, however, and went to dinner as a family before returning home to play with sparklers and do light paintings. In the end, we all worked together to clean up the remnants of our last great party.

Laura left super early, at like 5 AM, and it was hard. We were each other's people. At the time, I was mostly just tired and was able to go back to bed fairly easily. But at work I was sluggish and apathetic; if someone mentioned Laura I teared up a bit. Everyone who hates seeing anyone show any bit of emotion avoided me at all costs. When work let out, I started to cry. I sobbed, not wanting to return home to an empty house without Chunk or Laura. Sean saw me bawling in my car and immediately went into brother mode, cradling me as I cried and offering a night of video games and pizza. Which is exactly what we did, and it was super nice. But none of that was about this picture, this photo I guess is one of the bright spots that happened during the day.

As a part of his "make Autumn happy again" campaign, Sean mentioned that he and his girlfriend had extra tickets to Move Live in San Antonio on Saturday. I was PSYCHED - I adore Julianne and Derek Hough (Julianne is my main bitch, though), and was so ready to see them dance onstage! We got to San Antonio early enough to walk along the riverwalk for a bit, go to Dick's Last Resort for some drinks and rudeness, and then cram Subway sandwiches before finding our seats. The performances were AMAZING, I'm so glad I was able to go! They are both so talented, and my favorite dance was definitely the giant fan dance by Julianne to "The Greatest" by SIA. The original plan was to all share a hotel room that night and hang out in San Antonio before heading home the next day, however it turned out I had switched weekends with someone so had to actually work on Sunday. Thus, Stacey and I headed home at 11 PM and arrived in Corpus around 1 AM, six short hours before I had to wake up. I had sweet dreams of dancing and singing and was still brimming with smiles the next day at work.