The air after a snowstorm is amazing. It's clear and cold and feels so amazingly clean. Here in Salt Lake, we have terrible cases of inversion where we essentially sit in a large bowl of our own pollution soup for days at a time until the next storm rolls in. Sometimes in the summer we go through weeks of breathing cancerous air.
Another thing I like about nighttime snowstorms is the light. The cloud cover reflects the city lights, creating a blanket of dusky glow that creates an interesting light-tinting effect. The night is no longer as dark. The snow coated the branches of the trees, making it look as if they were blossoming with tiny, white flowers. Bluffs of snow towered atop mailboxes, parked cars, and the Dollar Tree across the street.
Sometimes when I'm walking, I like to describe the things that I see as poetically or aesthetically pleasing as possible. That night, the entire world was shadows with tinges of white and yellow from the street lamps filtering through the snow-covered branches. The moon was consumed by a milky glow as it peeped out from underneath its storm-cloud quilt.
All in all, it was an amazing walk. I felt completely at peace strolling the streets in the middle of the night (which is saying something, because I live my life like it's a horror movie). That's what snowstorms do, they create a quiet calm that makes it feel like all possibility of danger is eliminated. The only person I met in my travels was this guy, who I creepily took a picture of as he walked away from me.
I finally arrived home around one and mentally kicked myself because I had to get up for class in a few short hours (and for me, a few short hours means seven). It was worth it though. There is a magic in midnight walks.
(this is incredibly hipster)
Third from the last is my favorite.
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