Science is hard. And writing up my data that I gathered what seemed like ages ago in Arizona is even harder. And tearing myself away from friends, summer weather, and X-Files to write it is like torture.
But this is yet another SUMMER SUNDRIES post
Playing with a real machete and pretending that I'm Scully in Africa
Forcing my dog to wear sunglasses because it amuses me
Going to the Farmer's Market with Natalya and calling the dog "Clementina"
We also got DELICIOUS ciabatta bread and honey butter for lunch, shared a tiny and fucking delectable berry pie, and then shared a freshly squeezed lemonade that I got FO FWEE because Lysey gave me her free punch card last time we went together. So excellent. We made a list of crafts we want to do as well, inspired by the craft part of the market. So excited to start.
Finally, finally, FINALLY beating this level in Donkey Kong Country and moving up in the world. Also screaming every time we actually passed a level
Seeing THIS FUCKING SHIRT and being poised to buy it, and then having someone SNATCH THE LAST ONE AT THE LAST SECOND AND THEN WEEPING FOR HOURS. This wasn't a very happy one. BUT it leads into a happy revelation
I'M GOING TO MAKE MY OWN NERDY T-SHIRTS! Discovering how to use freezer stencils and fabric paint to make your own awesome T-shirts without the expensiveness of a screenprinting press.
Basically I'm going to make thousands of nerdy ass T-shirts (many of them X-Files themed) and then no one is going to want to be my friend, but that's okay.
The one I'm definitely going to make first is going to say "Sure. Fine. Whatever." (Scully's quote of choice from the episode with the crazy girls who kill everybody with telekinetic powers)
Going to The Decemberists concert in the park completely trashed and only remembering small fragments of time
Apparently I barked at a lot of people.
Going to Lagoon with my socially awkward 13 year old cousin, who I got revenge on for his pouring water down my back at my brother's Eagle Ceremony
Seriously though, Lagoon's so fun. Love me some roller coasters.
I've had a very full, exciting week. Now I get to pack my bags and finish up this scientific paper because I'm going to C A L I F O R N I A!!!!
Only the first three photos are mine, the rest I stole from other people.
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