COOL things that have happened though (besides spring break, which is what's up next) include Alice being home for all of last week! We did a ton of cool things, including:
-dressing up as people from the capitol (aka ridiculous) and going to the midnight premier of HUNGER GAMES!!! Review to come soon...maybe.
-"studying" at Nostalgia
-going to the Festival of Colors, which is the largest celebration of Holi in the western hemisphere, apparently. It was beautiful, and I loved the thought that we were welcoming spring by throwing the colors. We all looked hilarious by the end of it, since we attended for two throwings and then were targets for people tossing their colored powder about with gay abandon (good thing it was fragranced, everything smelled so good). It was tons of fun. Maybe next time I'll try to take more pictures
-went to JOAN JETT AND THE BLACKHEARTS concert in Wendover! We basically drove two hours south, turned back after a couple of hours there, showered for an hour (and SCRUBBED), and then drove in the opposite direction for another two hours
-drank strawberry daiquiris, danced to loud rock music in the front row (my ears just barely recovered yesterday), caught a Joan Jett guitar pick that was thrown into the crowd, was taught gambling by a sage old woman and won $5, and finally transferred Seamus to Alice (who we renamed Seamus Gnolland O'Leary). Don't worry, we also took his picture gambling in Wendover and we're going to photoshop him into pictures from the concert.
Basically this past weekend was EPIC and I'm super glad I got to see Alibus :D
Some eye phone pictures
So cooool. I really liked it. I think two hours is a good amount of time, especially in the morning before it gets TOO swamped with people. When we started trying to exit, we found out the line was HUGE to get out, so we just jumped a fence (HARDCORE! In fact, people cheered us on as we did it). Then as we walked back, we got spanked by some guys riding a vespa along the road and, since we had like five more miles to walk, we hitchhiked and rode in the back of a truck to our car. SO MUCH FUN. Plus I hugged like one thousand strangers (aka 20) and everyone was super friendly. It was just nice.
The llama farm that was right next door to the temple. We kept gravitating towards it after we got tired of our burning eyes and noses and dancing and chanting since it was like ten degrees cooler out of the bodies of people and the llamas were all jerks and I loved them. We would feed them grass and hay and try to sneak pet them when they were distracted. Some people didn't wipe their hands before petting them, so a lot of them had splotches of random color on them. I didn't want them to feel left out, so I threw grass at them so they felt included (since I was throwing color at everyone else and sprinkling it onto every little kid's head I passed).
Springtime weather! Less so now, as it's a bit cold, but then it was delightfully warm and I went outside with my blanket, dog, and iced tea (and biochem, blech) and intended to nap in the sun (I only brought the biochem to assuage myself). Yummmmm. The rest of that day was spent eating a burrito at Costa Vida, drinking Cordina Mar-GO-ritas and Daiq-GO-ris (which doesn't super work...) in Claire's backyard and then watching Fright Night (which is so gooood). Then it was off to the Hunger Games premiere!
THIS. IS. WENDOVERRRR. So many drunk peeps. Some guy asked me where the pisser was because his friend had to take a leak (so charming) and then some lady in the bathroom started stroking my hair and saying I was so cute. She took quite the interest in what I'd been up to this evening and when I told her I'd been at the Joan Jett concert she was ecstatic. She told me to live it up and have fun. Thank you drunk bathroom lady!
JOAN JETTTT! So good. I really enjoyed her entire set, the guitar was amazing, and she was seriously DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF US. It was also FREE because Alice's grandma is a high roller and won the tickets and then just gave them to us. Sweet.
So that has been my past weekend/week sort. I have journaled my spring break (cool, right?) and will scan it in soon (hopefully). Also I want to update my blog layout because I'm getting bored of it.
Time to draw and watch How I Met Your Mother, toodle pip!
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