-freaked out because I thought I was going to fail biochem. For realsies. I calculated the end result of my test scores and the grade was...bad. Aka failing bad. So I had some breakdowns and then decided I was just going to study HARDCORE. Cue "eye of the tiger" montage. I studied my ass off for that test, and the good news is that I did better on my test than I've been doing! So all I have to do now is study EVEN HARDER for the final and then I'll pass! Yaaaay!
-submitted that short story to Quarterly West for a contest. If it gets published, that would be coooool.
-had a family emergency in that my dad had back pain, which led to doctors believing he may have had a heart attack (which he didn't, thank the lawd), but his heart tests DID come back irregular, so he had to go to a cardiologist to get a bunch of tests done. This was the same day that I was doing my final research symposium, so I was a mess the entire time, despite being surrounded by friends. He is okay though, yay! The symposium was splendid, and now I'm done with them for the semester! Perhaps foreverrrrr (but not conferences. Never conferences).
-went to Rachel's 21st birthday party! It was being held at Martine Cafe, a fancy shmancy restaurant that sells tapas and million dollar entrees. We convened for fancy times in fancy outfits to eat fancy food and drink fancy sangria (I truly cannot use the term fancy enough). There was talk of cloacas at the dinner table, which you know means a 21st birthday (or a birdnerd is at the table). After dinner I couldn't go out with them because I had to go home and read papers for the next day, so I instead returned to my car, went home and did my homework, and then played STARFOX! (p.s. my brother bought my Starfox! Did I already say that in my last post? Quite possibly).
-The papers I read for my behavioral ecology class were hilarious. They were about how nightclubs could be lekking grounds for males to display their dancing skills in front of females and thus gain female approval, and also about female competition with one another and their likelihood in attracting a man based on their clothing choices. Amazing. Also it talked about how dancing is a signal of male and female fitness because bad dancers have more fluctuating asymmetry, meaning their face and body is less symmetrical and thus less pleasing to the opposite sex overall. Seriously, from now on I'm just going to look at all male-female interactions as completely biological because a) it's funny and b) it will make me hate everyone less I think.
-Friday night was spent going to Plum Alley with Rachel, where we had delicious pork and duck buns and ramen, discovering an epic man cave down some random alley, and then going to a depressing as all shit play. I had to go to All My Sons for my theater class, which I wrote a paper on today, but GOD IT WAS AWFUL. So upsetting. I ended up going home and drinking away my upset feelings, watching Mission Impossible 4 and new Archers with my parents, and then playing Starfox and drawing for the rest of the night.
-More on the man cave: it was so weird and funny. I was just walking down this alley trying to find the restaurant I was supposed to meet Rachel at and suddenly BOOM there was an open garage door with some huge room filled with guys inside. There were ping pong tables, snowboards lined up along the wall, foozeball tables, man couches, and just tons of manly SHIT. It was hilarious. I later learned it was a design firm called SUPER TOP SECRET. I looked at their hiring page and it is asking for a senior taxidermist. I think I'm going to apply.
-Saturday was spent working on grad announcements, laying out in the sun, going to the park for a picnic with Lisa where we ate DELICIOUS salad, drank beer and Mike's, and she read her book while I worked on grad announcements still, and laying out in the sun some more. It was such an awesomely lazy and deliciously sunny Saturday. It was so much fun, I think many more picnics are in my future. The evening was spent having a pizza party at Raphael's house and watching two really shitty movies, Sweet Karma and The Perfect Student. The first one was about a mute girl trying to get revenge on the people who sold her sister into the underground sex trade of Toronto. That's right ladeez and gents, apparently Toronto has a huge underground sex trade that tricks people into joining it by making them believe they're signing up to be housecleaners. Coooool. The second was about some girl who kills her roommate who tries to make everyone believe it was some guy when really it was her ALL ALONG WHAT. So unbelievable, jesus.
-Sunday, this day, has also been deliciously sunny and lazy, but also productive! I slept in, hung out in my jim jams outside, wrote my paper for theater class while drinking wine coolers and honey beer (also outside), finished up grad announcements and started addressing them to peeps (I have a nice stack to send out tomorrow morning, and I just need to figure out two more people to send them to), started sketching out my resume, and watched a lot of Archer and Southpark. Also Gabi and I have planned a conjoined party at Poplar, one of our favorite bars, for graduation after our ceremonies! It's going to be so fun :D
This weekend has been a good one for sure. This next week it's time to STUDY, go to Red Butte Canyon to band some birds for conservation biology (and sign up to volunteer for more banding opportunities), take Rosemary and Lori out to lunch on Wednesday, and study some more. BREAK!
Now for a picture of a bird to make this post seem more interesting.
p.s. my laptop is dyinggggggg
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