Sunday, July 1, 2012


My blog has been revamped!  I saw this picture of an African Bush Viper the other day on Tumblr and was obsessed with it, so I decided to incorporate it into my blog (even though, as my disclaimer states, this blog isn't really about snakes.  Most of the time).

This time, though, IT IS!

Here are some fun facts about the African Bush Viper:

-They are HIGHLY venomous and their bite can cause extreme hemorrhaging.
-They hunt by dangling their tail down from their branch, waiting for an unsuspecting target to be drawn to it.  This phenomenon is called caudal luring.
-Very little is known about the venom composition of this viper, making it difficult to create a type of anti-venom (one doesn't exist at this point in time).
-They can be found in a wide range of colors, like Skittles!
-They have strongly prehensile bodies that support their weight, even if they are barely hanging onto a branch with part of their body.
-All species of their family are ovoviviparous, meaning their eggs hatch in their stomachs so it appears like they give live birth.

I hope you have enjoyed this informative article on the African Bush Viper.

(p.s. all photos are from Google)

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