Today has been a really busy first day of Halloweek, but also a really good one! I taught Energy Mix in the morning, which is a class where we discuss renewable sources of energy (and we make solar ovens that cook cinnamon apple slices, delicious). In the afternoon, I observed BIRD AND BIRD BANDING CLASS with Megan, where we acted ridiculous and got to go birdwatching in the pouring rain. This was the best part because, even though it was pouring rain, we still saw lots of birds, including one I've NEVER SEEN BEFORE. LIFE. BIRD. It was a Red-Bellied Woodpecker, which was so cool to see. Another reason why it was is because we went down to the dock and an adult Bald Eagle flew low across the entire lake just sixty feet out from us. It was magical. Right as the eagle disappeared from our line of sight, a loon called (despite it being really late in the season for loons, they should have migrated by now). The loon turned out to be a juvie that's been hanging out for some unknown reason. Basically, bird class ruled. We had macaroni and cheese for dinner, it was a rainy October-y day, Cica had a lightbulb moment during training today, and then I taught a raptor program on falconry that involved dressing up teenagers in ridiculous costumes and pretending to cut their hand off if they chose a bird above their social status. It was a good, full day. Before I go to bed, and in order to celebrate day one of Halloweek, I'm going to post some photos that demonstrate the touches of Halloween I've been seeing around here.
pumpkins, pumpkins, PUMPKINS!!!
A doe has been hanging out around our compost piles for the past week. I see her snacking on apples and then hanging out in the small strip of trees separating the barn from the dining hall. I almost ran into her the other day because I didn't see her, which is when I took this picture. I say hi to her sometimes when I'm walking home in the dark. I call her Felicity.
In high school, some of my best friends and I were shopping and found skull rings that we proceeded to buy and swear that we would wear every day in October for the rest of our lives. So far, the tradition has held true (well, for most of October...)
The other day at the barn, Jmack and I were both doing projects. She was practicing making shapes with a jigsaw (we get to play with powertools at this job), so I convinced her that we should make Halloween decorations. We ended up making that weird little angry blob ghost, her super cute tall ghost, and the three gravestones. I like Mr. Sprinkles and really do hope he RIPs. FOREVER.
I drew ghost pictures for everyone in the house one day when I was bored, had a pile of scratch paper I needed to get rid of, and a sharpie. Now they're all on our doors and it makes me so happy.
And it's only just beginning...
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