Once upon a time, my beloved mam and dad flew east to what is known as the midwest (sort of confusing, but that's because I used to live in what I refer to as the
real west. In fact, Alice and I agreed that we
basically live in the west coast... ...) When they arrived, I was so excited that I basically just frothed at the mouth and gave them a whirlwind tour as if I were on crack cocaine. Then they bought us all pizza and booze (and when I say us all, I mean EVERYONE! Including the Minnesota fam!) and we partied it up. No pictures were really taken except for one of my dad and I on the lake in front of the sunset because I was so just so excited that they were there. That night we watched a movie (I think?) and then M and D headed back to their comfy lodgings.
The next morning was sunny and bright (and luckily the weather was in the double digits the entire time they were here, yaaaay!)
We made breakfast sandwiches and then headed out for adventures.
I feel like Dad looks like a celebrity who is pissed off at a paparazzo (me)
I brought a kicksled out for them to try.
Dad really liked it, he was surprised by how fast it was.
Then he gave Mam rides! Awwww!
We went to the barn so I could show Cica off to my parents.
Little perfect bean :)
After Cica, it was time for other creatures. My mom really dislikes snakes. A LOT. But she conquered her fears and held Vulpes, our super sweet Fox Snake.
After Vulpes, we got Picasso, our Painted Turtle, out for some playtime.
Om nom nom
Like mother, like daughter
Then we got out the big guns, our 7 foot Bull Snake, Arnold.
That sort of put mom over the edge of her comfort zone, so she politely declined. She gained courage when she saw how laid back he was in my arms (since he makes such a territorial show over coming out of his enclosure), so she reached out to pet him. Unfortunately, he hissed at her as soon as she made contact, so that was a deal-breaker. I put Arnold away and brought out Poppy.
Mam LOVED Poppy, but Dad was sort of getting bored at this point. I promised that I'd only bring out one more fantastic creature and put Poppy away.
Out came Spikers! It was actually awesome to have him out and playing with us, because in the process I could get some good photos of him.
He climbed his tree for us, so I gave Mom some rodent pellets to feed him.
Awesome photo (if I do say so myself...)
Look at those strong claws for tree-climbin'!
Yeah...I sort of went into a frenzy
of porcupine obsession
Dad was pretending to be excited about Spike, but he really just wanted to go cross-country skiing (just kidding...sort of).
Spike crawled into my lap! I love that porcupine.
I put Spike away and then we headed out into the woods for some good old cross-country skiing. My dad loves cross-country skiing (as mentioned before), and I love it too, I'm just pretty bad at it.
I was doing okay until...
..a slight hill came out of nowhere. Aaaaand I was down.
But I got up again (I'm a pro at getting up) and we were on our way! p.s. these pictures were all courtesy of my mom, who said, "What if I take pictures of you falling?" to which I responded, "Do it, that will be hilarious!" and then she literally took a second by second shot of me falling and then trying to get back up. I have some fairly embarrassing ones of me getting up. Just because I'm pro doesn't mean I'm graceful at all. Maybe one day I'll share them...
We headed up to the cultural site and the yurt so I could show them those areas, and at that point Mom and I were tired so we started to head back for a snack.
But first I had to feed Cica.
Love her. We headed out to Tobies to get some snack foods (aka a pile of fried things and soda) before I went into volunteer for Dinner at the Lake. I always work the drink table with Megan, so even though I was technically off, I poured drinks with her at the table and then went to eat with my parents and hear the talk (which was about wolves). It was fun! Plus I got a lil tipsy.
The next day both Megan and I woke up early (5 AM) to do barn before we headed to The National Eagle Center in Wabasha, which is definitely another post in the making. We spent the whole day there, looking behind-the-scenes, going to a cowboy bar for lunch (weirdly), and looking for golden eagles before we drove back home and the peeps dropped me off at a low-key Italian place in the cities to meet my parents for dinner. It was their anniversary (hurray!) so my mom thought it would be fun to explore the Mall of America. She hated it and said their parking situation was akin to hell. We ate a delicious dinner together and then headed home to pass out.
The next day we headed up to Duluth to hang out, go owling, and then (of course) go to FITGER'S!!!
While owling along the North Shore, we saw
THREE Great Grey Owls!!! OMGGGG is all I can say about that! I can now officially say I no longer need a BVD of that particular species.
I saw a car parked alongside the road and immediately screamed, "BIRDERS!" so that my dad would pull over. I rolled down the window and the couple simply pointed up at a dead snag across the road, where we saw this beauty. We watched him for a couple of minutes, where I took approximately a thousand pictures of him (plus an accidental video) before we continued down the road. My dad spotted another one almost perfectly blending in with a tree, and the next one was swooping low over a field and then into a tree. It was amazing! Fitger's was also amazing, though my parents weren't as eye-battingly in love with it as I was (but they did agree that the wild rice burger was pretty damn good). We also went to Canal Park to look for Snowies, but had no luck there :(
Also they both got their first look at Lake Superior, which was pretty awesome :)
We drove home after Fitger's and watched Easy A in Schwyzer, our haunted historical lodge on site. I bravely determined that I could stay in there alone while my parents got ready to join me, but it was also a fairly windy night and I literally yelped at a couple of points when the wind blew down the chimney. I had to text Megan, who was probably only 500 feet away, about how scared I was. Fortunately, my parents joined me a few minutes later and we got crunk while watching the movie. It was so much fun, I love my parents!
The next day was spent doing some grocery shopping, eat lemon bismarks, and hanging out together before they left :( I'm so happy they got to come up and spend a couple of days with me, though.
Today I've mostly spent lounging in bed, updating my blog, reading other blogs, downloading photo apps to my phone recommended by
Gala, creating an eight hour long dance jams playlist (just in case), and making jello shots for tonight's St. Patrick's Day party. In fact, I hear people beginning to take shots downstairs now! See you on the prowl, Great Horned Owl!