We dyed Easter eggs, I wore my pretty new dress (even though I had to feed my owl in it and tromp through lake-like puddles), had FOUR egg hunts inside our house (all of which started off violently as we attempted to thwart other people's egg search), made ham and risotto for dinner, got drunk off of the wine we made risotto with, played picture telephone, made sugar cookies, and I chatted with my family on skype. It was a really awesome day.
Fun Fact:
-last year for Easter, my Oma and Opa set up a huge Easter egg hunt for my brother and I that included money eggs. They asked if we wanted to split the money evenly after we'd both found all the eggs, or if the eggs we found were the money (or no money) we got. My brother scoffed and boasted that he would find them all anyway, so to keep it "fair" he would split it. I agreed and we set off to find the eggs. We were ALMOST even, but I found a couple more than him that just so happened to have ALL the money in them. So it's lucky for him we decided to split the monies. THE END.
I know I've gone back to being a bad blogger. It's getting to be our busy teaching season again, but I do really want to share photos from these past few months, so we'll see what happens posting-wise.
See you soon, raccoons!
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