I'm alive and doing a w e s o m e (except for that COUGHspeedingticketCOUGH)
I just started working at a raptor education and rehabilitation center that's only a couple of hours away from where I was living and working last year, so I took this weekend to come up and visit BFFL Megan and to see the creatures and feel the woods. I am still so in love with these woods.
I have so many things to share, but unfortunately my new place doesn't have enough internet for blogging, really (boo), so I'll just share some of the coolest things:
-I am now friends with a Sandhill Crane named Decimator, named such because he has a casual hobby of murdering House Sparrows
-I helped tube-feed a Red-Tailed Hawk
-I've handled so many different species of raptors in the past week: turkey vulture, eastern screech, great horned, red-tailed hawk, american kestrel, european barn owl, peregrine falcon, merlin, and a broad-winged hawk. It's amazing and I love it
-I will start training a female snowy owl soon and I weep with joy in my heart at the thought of it
-A polite parrot keeps asking me, "Cracker, please?" so I'll feed her BBQ chips
-I did a three day, 24 hour road trip by myself and I made it. I also talked to myself a lot along the way
-Fall is in the air, and it makes me giddy with electrified excitement
Being at this new job and talking to my supervisor about what I want to learn and what I know how to do has helped me grow even more professionally. This will be a great experience and I believe I will get a lot out of it. Watching groups laugh or grow excited about different raptor facts make me realize that this is what I want to do. This is my passion.
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