Little treasures in my shadow box. I've been wanting a shadow box forever and one day I magically found one in a thrift store in Salt Lake City while visiting. I painted it blue and now my treasures from friends' weddings, Spain, my lab, and Mexico live there.
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I went to TWO parties this night, one at the local watermark's restaurant where there was an open bar and a lot of cute, drunk coasties and one at Whiskey River, a Texas two-step dance hall where there are cheap drinks, line dances, and shitty music. It was an amazing night.
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Charles, the constantly worried Min-Pin.
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I was cleaning the Nearshore pond and found a pressed penny someone had thrown in. Their loss, I now have a 51 cent pressed penny with a stingray on it!
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I went out to dinner with Andie the night before and so had leftover New York-style pizza to enjoy on my "Friday" night, complete with a mini bottle of wine.
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Claire and I watched terrible horror movies and drank wine together over Skype; hands down one of my favorite activities.
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I was drinking hot chocolate and realized that I have an impressive collection of mugs. Most of them I've painted myself or have been painted for me by friends, the Halloween mug was found at a thrift store, and the owl mug next to the Halloween mug was a gift from Disneyworld from my Dad.
This week I didn't take many photos during the actual daylight, so I want to try to change that up. I also was fairly sedentary in my activities this week, so I need to get up and start exploring again! To be fair, it's mostly because I still don't have a car with which to go on adventures, but hopefully that will be remedied soon!!
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