I made myself fish and vegetables for dinner, a feat I'm pretty proud of since my dinners are usually a box of mac 'n cheese and applesauce.

I won a postcard from sketchynotions on Instagram! I love it so much, it was just what I needed on this gloomy day (I also painted my nails!)
I celebrated Valentine's Day with my roommate, whose boyfriend is living on the east coast, at the moment. We got drunk on Moscato, ate Girl Scout cookies and vietnamese fusion takeout, and watched The Other Woman. Perfection.
A relaxing night in.
Packing for the IAATE (International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators) conference!
The city lights outside my hotel room in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina.
My conference swag. Our team, "You Gotta Be Falcon Kidding Me", won first place at trivia which is why wine is included in this layout (unfortunately, they don't hand out a bottle of wine at registration).
I was taking the pictures, but got behind with posting and editing for this project. I had an AMAZING time in North Carolina at the IAATEconference, which deserves its own post, and have since been spending my time back trying to catch up on sleep and things around the house (I got an average of four hours of sleep a night in NC, I didn't realize how hard people partied at conferences). A new work week is upon me (after a mixed bag of a weekend), but I'm ready to face it. I am excited for training prospects and am attempting to instill confidence in everything I do. Hit me, March (just kidding, please don't hit me, just tap me lightly). THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID. Okay I'm done.