Monday, February 2, 2015

dinosaur trainer

So the newest Jurassic Park trailer came out during the Superbowl.

And I am basically frothing-at-the-mouth level of excited because DO YOU SEE WHAT CHRIS PRATT DID JUST THERE? DID YOU???


They are using training techniques on DINOSAURS aka basically my DREAM and the fact that Chris Pratt is a velociraptor trainer makes me even MORE attracted to him (if that was even possible).

Also when he is cruising through the jungle on his motorcycle and the raptors are "chasing" him (which is what I thought when I saw the first trailer), I actually think they are following him. Now that we've been introduced to the concept of him as a trainer, he might have trained them a follow behavior and they are all going to FIGHT THE NEW MUTANT DINOSAUR.

I am freaking out, why isn't June here yet???

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