Dogsitting this mush face.
My beautiful Kogi-Man! I love this bird so much, words cannot even describe how proud I am of him. He just learned how to fly two years ago and is not totally confident in his abilities. This led to fly-offs that were stressful for him and his trainers (aka me). I have been working on upping his confidence by flying him around the aquarium and allowing him to land on different things, rewarding him and showing him he can land anywhere he needs to in order to prevent flying to the restaurant down the street. In this photo we had just finished his first outdoor session in MONTHS where, even though he spooked, he remained calm and flew to a random perch onstage.
A pastel sunset.
I love this photo so much. After work some of us headed to a beach bar down the street from the aquarium, where they've set up a ferris wheel in preparation for summer. This photo screams warm weather memories to me.
Corona, the Eclectus who has frequented a few of these posts, is a proud papa! This chick is a few hours old and standing tall! Or he was for about three seconds before passing out again.
My friend, Cleo, was supposed to fly in for her week-long visit this day but her flight was hideously delayed so she missed all of her connecting flights. I spent the entire day on edge, wondering when or if she would get in, and doing mundane chores. At least I had the birds to keep me company.
Cleo finally made it! We celebrated by going to the beach (of course) and going out for gluten-free pizza and drinks!
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