A Series of Unfortunate Events came out on Netflix and I was PSYCHED! I binge-watched it all in one weekend. I absolutely love most of the casting, it's genuinely hilarious, and it both follows the books closely AND adds in new awesome material (some completely novel, some from related resources outside the official series). I drew the Baudelaires while watching eight hours worth of perfection - Violet using her homemade grappling hook to save Sunny, Klaus asleep in a chair after reading a book all night, and Sunny playing with the Incredibly Deadly Viper.

I made a tiny okapi for a good friend and decided to take some photos of it in its own tiny habitat before sending it off.

This was a terrible, horrible, no-good, VERY BAD day (or something along those lines). What helps soothe bad days? PIZZA! And the pizza monster agrees.

We went to an event where we got to drink beer and indulge in a macaroni and cheese bar in dolphin underwater viewing. At the end there was a small dolphin presentation - they're pretty cute I guess.

A rainy night downtown.

Our boss got us donuts for being awesome employees.

Taylor started woodworking with a desire to sell products on an online site like Easy. I helped him out by taking some photos - I really liked this one of his double candle votive.

I hung out with Sean and his new puppy, Porter, at the dog park and then at the bar he brews at where we drank free beer #lazysunday

This was the day of the Women's March and I was feeling INCREDIBLY emotional - I was so proud of my fellow women who were protesting around the country, fiercely admiring their sassy and powerful signage and desperately wishing I could be with them. I also felt anger and inner turmoil, absolute DISBELIEF that a women's march was even necessary. In order to quell some of the upset in my soul, I made this piece of art based off a photo of Princess Leia I saw with this same slogan. I think Carrie Fisher would have been so happy to know she played an integral part in the march and I'm so ecstatic to have this piece of art to honor her memory.

Sean and I worked a night event at the end of a tough week and decided to get some food and drinks afterward. This is our fake "THANKS" face.

Our family Christmas!! We opened our presents to one another (I got horror-based erotic fiction (lol) and an amazing rice heat pack covered in parrots from Laura and a homemade speaker amplifier for my phone from Taylor!), ate spaghetti, and watched a movie!

I've been running after work at sunset along a stretch near the ocean that flocks of birds inhabit, including this group of American Avocets. Unfortunately, this photo did cause me to sink a foot ankle deep in sludge (though I still ran, CHAMPION!!)

I went out to a new restaurant with Tilt in the hopes of obtaining some unicorn-themed desserts. Luckily I succeeded, as you can see by this sparkly, sprinkle-laden rainbow cake! It was delicious and nothing makes me happier than colorful, glittery things (especially if they're edible).

Taylor caught this invasive gecko species in our shed and decided to keep it on the kitchen counter for several days. We eventually set it free once it was clear that he wasn't really making an attempt to care for the lizard, but before that happened I decided to experiment some more with my macro lens attachments.
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