We let Kitty hang out on Eagle Pass sometimes when both the eagles are off. For the most part he lays in the bushes right next to the netting where people can definitely reach him (and most definitely try, ugh). When I saw him perched atop the rock-work like a little Simba, I ran to get my camera. I couldn't climb over the fencing in time to get a photo without the mesh in the way, but I still like it!

VALENTINE'S DAY!! Despite the fact that many people refer to Valentine's Day quite negatively, especially if they happen to be single, I don't have an issue with it. I consider it a celebration of love - love for friends, lovers, family, pets, trees, art, etc. To celebrate my love of my raptor squad of chickens, I made them heart-shaped ice cubes.

One of those "oh shit it's late at night and I should take a photo" days. We've been alternating trivia between the irish bar with the hot bartender and the bar our friend brews beer at that often results in free beer (including the cerveza de la flor, a light beer brewed with hibiscus and chamomile, giving it a delightful pink tinge!). This is a photo of the latter.

We've been introducing the two baby macaws since they will ideally be sharing a play stand of sorts in the middle of the new exhibit. On their first meeting they KISSED AHHHHH (*heart eyes emoji*).

Manny Calavera doesn't like to play by himself; he gets pretty nervous when he's not in his cage but we're working on it.

A bunch of us went out and Dylan offered to drive me back home. On the way, I spotted a glowing purple building so I shrieked, "CAN WE TAKE A PICTURE IN FRONT OF IT??" Dylan obliged and I took approximately 4,000 photos of it. Because of low lighting and the fact that I had no tripod/was a little tipsy it's a bit blurry, but that's okay.

Glow lights are one of my great loves in life.

This MONSTER can be cute. SOMETIMES.

Red Lobster is a CLASSY ESTABLISHMENT. Would I rather go to Olive Garden? Yes. But was Olive Garden a 28 minute walk and I had no access to a car? Yes.

Kitty proudly wanted to show off the dinosaur that he drowned.

It was National Margarita Day!! We all went out to On the Border for $3 margaritas and proposed to each other with tortilla chips, nibbling holes through the center and sticking them on each other's ring fingers.

Kogi painted a masterpiece. I like to think silver is his signature color (because I make him paint with it every time).

Despite utter exhaustion, I drove up to San Antonio immediately after work to see Amelia, who was in town for a conference. We went to the Riverwalk and ate mexican food and key lime pie, drank margaritas, and admired beaded trinkets set up along the water. Then I drove home at midnight (it's a two hour drive). I passed out immediately upon arriving home.

Some friends had a hula-themed one year anniversary party and these were some of the decorations. There was also a Photo Booth with props that we utilized the hell out of, but none of them are very...artistic.

Golden hour (I love Laura's commissioned Dumbledore quote, but unfortunately the artist spelled his name wrong...).

I've never worked with Scarlet Macaws, so I'd never noticed how beautiful their coloration is. ESPECIALLY their adorable pastel butt feathers. That little sweep of powder blue with a hint of yellow on the tiny feathers lining the bottom of her tail - UGH SO ADORABLE!

Maeby took a bath (hence her darkened palette of colors and ragamuffin look) and likes to pluck her purple thing bald.

Alleyways like these create stories for themselves in my head, weaving tales about young florists, magical girls, or punk-loving outdoorsy types who hangout on their fire escapes at night to drink beer and listen to sirens; all of whom effortlessly live out dream lives in the city still rife with cutesy errors - all-nighters pulled to finish a portfolio for a photography final, spilling a latte over a cute bartender's phone number, or (in the case of the magical girls) saving the world and climbing back through the window for a good night's sleep after.

My dream is to live in an apartment filled with adorable planters overflowing with cacti and succulents - and also that I don't kill said cacti and succulents.

Genesis gave me a ride to my car the other day and I was enamored by the rooftop of her car - a grid of patches from each of her adventures. Every time she goes somewhere new she purchases a patch, sticks a small segment of velcro on the back, and attaches it to the ceiling of her jeep. It inspired me to start getting patches during my adventures, too #adventurevibes

A plethora of jello shots.
(trying to catch up!! Just got back from Miami and my PITBULL cruise with Megan!! OH IT WAS AMAZING!)
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