National Pet Day!! These two baby birds are my favorites, even though one is terrified of the world around him and the other has a ridiculous amount of pin feathers on her head right now and is a queen bitch. I love them so much.

I have a hard time deciding which pictures I like best when it involves glowing lights. If you know me, you know I ADORE fluorescent, neon lights and therefore am automatically attracted to carnivals like a moth drawn to the flame. Sometimes a small roadside carnival pops up on the side of the highway in the mall parking lot. I noticed it from down the way after a dinner of fajitas and margaritas and, just like the year before when I won a goldfish named Scully and played ringtoss with friends, I went to take photos of the rides lit up in the darkness. Carnivals remind me of summer - of long days, fried food, and rattling roller coaster carts on tiny tracks that are barely up to code.

A little pink house, abandoned across the road from one of my downtown watering holes.

Rex, our Silkie chicken with the cross-beak who we weren't sure would survive to adulthood, is now performing in shows as the partner to Echo, our Barred Rock hen who lost her own partner - Charlie - a couple of months ago. One of my goals is to take more photos of training sessions so that we have more action shots, and I have more concrete memories of these moments.

Our first beach bonfire of the season. I love a good bonfire - the gritty feel of sand, the smell of smoke permeating layers of clothing, and the sound of waves crashing in the distance. It's pure love.

Easter Sunday!! Usually Easter is spent eating a decadent meal with family (involving ham of some sort), or setting up Easter Eggs hunts in our house, or decorating Easter Eggs. This year I decided that I wanted to decorate eggs, having missed out the previous year, so I bought a tie-dye kit for coloring, a carton of eggs, and a six-pack. My eggs turned out beautiful, and as a final touch I poured iridescent glitter on top of them while wet. They sparkled and shone.

Laura's friend came for a visit so we went to Harrison's Landing for din dins.


An amaretto sour in honor of National Amaretto Day!

A tiny jellyfish in a sea of blue.

Andie was doing a board and train with this cute little shih tzu named Sergio, but Laura REFUSED to let me take a photo of him. Every time I whipped out my camera to get a shot, she blocked me. Finally, I was able to get some cute shots of his tootsies!!

On Earth Day, I was able to participate in the National March for Science. At first I didn't know if we were even going to have one, considering the size of our town and the culture of slacktivism or even straight-up denial or ignorance. Luckily, I got word that a march was scheduled to walk along the seawall in the morning, so I went. I didn't end up making a sign, which I sort of regret, but I did show up and got some great photos of other people's amazing signs. We all marched down the seawall together, chanting and brandishing signs (while I snapped photos), and ended at the science museum, where we listened to inspiring speeches by local scientists. I finished out the day by attending a BEAUTIFUL wedding on the coast where we danced, indulged in the open bar, and ate our weight in mac 'n cheese. Best Earth Day ever!
Oh, I'm behind. I was doing so well and suddenly BAM life happened. Isn't it always the way?
The good news is that I'm moved into my new apartment!! I'm living on my own for the first time EVER and so far it's been exhilarating, cozy, scary, and sometimes lonely. The birds and I love our new home, though, and being near so many fun things has been AWESOME!! Time to live it up this summer, despite the heat!!
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