Honestly, Winston is one of the most handsome, cutest, most ADORABLE dogs on the planet. Look at those ears. That curly tail. THOSE EYES.

There's a red brick catholic school absolutely covered in ivy on the way home from downtown SLC. After passing by several times from my travels to visit friends during my trip, I finally stopped and snapped some photos. Even though it's SUPER destructive, I love ivy on buildings, it just adds so much character.

I got back to Texas and decided to indulge in some summery pool time with margaritas in my new unicorn cup.

While I was gone there was a screening of She's the Man at Alamo Drafthouse. A bunch of peeps went and got some awesome swag - including this Channing Tatum mask and mustache combo.

Our town has a lot of "first annual" celebrations that have cropped up in the past couple of years, a part of the initiative to rejuvenate downtown. I'm sort of proud of them - they include anything from our Dias de los Meurtos festival to the Pride Parade. The Food Truck Festival is one such event, and this year was its second annual celebration. I decided to go after work with a couple of co-workers to check it out and was not disappointed. I got fresh cherry limeade from a stall that allowed you to squeeze the lemons and limes yourself, ate gouda bacon nachos, saw a t-rex strolling down the road, and then shared funnel cake by the ocean.

BLT pasta salad with avocado ranch and feta cheese.

Once upon a time it was Zookeeper's Appreciation Week, and as a "moral booster" our curator organized a game of kickball against the fish and herp department. Not only was this game basically mandatory, it was also after a long day of work in 100 degree weather against a team that was almost twice the size of ours. As a cherry on top, there was also a PENALTY for losing - loser had to clean kitchen for an entire week (a soul-sucking process). It was very poorly planned and not in the least bit fun (especially when people start yelling at you for not catching a ball or failing to get someone out...), but we made team shirts which I really liked. So there's that. Also we went out for pizza and beer afterwards, which was good. Needless to say, maybe next year we can decide if we actually want to play kickball at all, and maybe make it so there's not terrible price to pay for losing if we do choose to play.

Roxie's birthday cake!

Beer bar.

GERALD THE UNICORN! Erin came down to visit and I decided it was about time I broke out my unicorn floatie that I bought last summer. We spent probably about 45 minutes blowing him up (it's a lot of work), but then we frolicked with him in the waves. OH how we frolicked. It was truly magical.

I got these prints from Artifact Uprising two years ago and decided to hang them up in my bedroom as some wall art.

I was planning on trying to create some sort of posed photo with my wand that Taylor made me for Harry Potter's birthday, but I already had a photo of my wand and butterbeer in my 365 collection from a couple of months earlier. Instead, I took a photo of our Barn Owl, Ripley. Owls are an important part of the Potter-verse, and I'm grateful I get to work with them everyday!

Squeakers! And the beginning of birthday month!

Asian Persuasions, or as I thought they were called, Haitian Persuasions. For awhile a bunch of us would go out every Wednesday to one of our favorite bars for Trivia and have our favorite bartender make us these concoctions before we headed to another of our favorite bars for Pool. It was hard on the wallet, but it was fun (lots of shots were purchased).
This particular outing was in celebration of my birthday! Everyone bought me drinks and we played a version of Pool that we could all play while we listened to Kesha and Pitfall in honor of my 27th year.

I've always wanted to take photos of crushed makeup - it's so tempting to just ruin that perfect surface of the eyeshadow pallet or smear a tube of lipstick across a mirror. So I staged a little photoshoot of my own with my shitty old makeup. Unfortunately, it was during a time of day with not so great lighting, so only a couple of photos turned out like I wanted. This was one of them; the nail polish was really fun to see pool and swirl together.

As another birthday celebration we had a pool party with Gerald complete with pizza and beer. Best Friday EVER!

Birthday Eve!! Dylan took me to dinner at a steakhouse and got me this delicious cupcake with a candle that accurately represents my age. Since this was my first birthday living on my own I decorated my apartment with banners and streamers because my birthday month means a lot to me!!

T W E N T Y - S E V E N!
Wow I can't believe that I'm no longer just in my "twenties" and am now in my "late twenties". It really doesn't feel like it. Am I an adult? Not really. I had to work on my birthday because I'm the worst at remembering to take it off, but I did wear my Kogi earrings that Drea gave me two years ago and took photos with my favorite bird ever. I brought in birthday donuts, our intern brought me Mcallisters and Starbucks for lunch, and that night I went to Olive Garden with Andie and Geoff. It was a good day. =

A little friendly face.

I don't take a ton of photos of Sweetpea for whatever reason, usually I'm just focused on other animals (and I've never been one of her trainers due to lack of interest), so here's one of the little Sweet Potato!
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