I love this show. It makes me so happy. Maddie introduced it to me about a month and a half ago and ever since then it's been my comfort show. I absolutely adore family sitcoms, and this is the KING of all family sitcoms. Its laugh track, its amazingly kitsch 80s/90s style, the characters' interactions with one another...it just calms me.
My favorite character EVER is Jackie. She is so hilarious.
Cast picture in 2008.
Papa John's cheesesticks! Sooo delicious.
I'm going to Arizona for two weeks after finals to do my own independent project for research credit! I've been before to the same area before on a field course and it's AMAZING! It's a place called Madera Canyon and it's one of the top places to bird in the United States, especially in spring time (which is right when we'll be there). I'm tagging along with the course, so I'll be able to hang out with them and go out by myself to observe bird behavior in the wild. I'm so excited for the hazy Arizona heat, to see the cactus flowers bloom, and to see the rainbow of different birds that migrate through the canyon every spring. I'm so psyched, I'm in love with the tiny field station that we stay in, though I'm not so in love with the spiders...ugggh.
Pokemon, as always. Swoon.
TV shows pretty much rule my life, which is why there are two on this list. I LOOOOVE FIREFLY!!! I've been re-watching them on Netflix and recently found out that they were supposed to go for SEVEN SEASONS! Dagger in my heart. I adore Mal's sort of fatherly relationship with Kaylee.
Ahahaha this is so cute!
Owls. Always.
Taking pictures. I love photography.
It's almost springtime! In Utah we have a peculiar spring in that there really is no spring. There are a couple of spring-like days in both April and May, interspersed with blizzards, and then it's full-fledged summer. But I'm okay with that, because there have been warm days, rainy days, and soon there will be days filled with heat and I love that.
My favorite coffee shop where I get to study with my favorite people. Not studying my favorite subjects though.
Now that I'm feeling warm and fuzzy, it's time to study physics. Oh joy!
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