Another thing I'm a fan of is answering questions! Especially weird or thoughtful questions. Another word for this is talking about myself in the form of a survey. I found these when I was cleaning out my documents folder this weekend (which is so much cleaner and organized, by the way) so I'm not sure where it came from, but I'm pretty sure I stole it from my friend's sister's livejournal or something years ago. Pretend this is a form of Wednesday Hodge-Podge (which my aunt is a fan of), except that it's Thursday and no one cares what my answer are going to be.
1. What's your weirdest skill?
I can touch my nose with my tongue. Next question.
2. We all know the Muppets are awesome. But who is the BEST Muppet of all?
Obviously the best Muppet is Beaker. We have much in common: we're scientists, we're spastic, and everything around us goes terribly wrong and we end up with smoking craters where our heads used to be.
3. What's your favorite word?
Juicy! The word itself is a form of onomatopoeia for me because I feel like the word juicy feels juicy in your mouth when you say it. I like it because it describes a lot of things I like, such as melons and books and the ocean.
4. New music is nice, but what's a classic song for you?
Classic means classic rock to me because I'm not nearly classy enough to truly enjoy classical music and realize who is the artist, when it was composed, the subtle nuances of flavor in the song etc. There's a coffee shop that I used to frequent before I discovered Battlestar Nostalgica that plays classical music nonstop. At first it's pleasant and you enjoy the scales of piano and dramatic undertones of the symphony. Then it starts to tear at that dark place in your brain (or maybe just in my brain) that sort of wishes that the classical music would stop or else someone might be getting shanked soon. Then this dark place is torn open by the notes and it spreads across your brain, infected everything with the thought that CLASSICAL MUSIC MEANS EVERYONE MUST DIE.
To answer the question, my favorite classic song would be Hey Bulldog by The Beatles
5. If you had a daemon like in His Dark Materials, what form would it take?
An owltter. An owl/otter hybrid. I'll draw a picture of one tonight so that everyone may know what this is.
6. What's the most frustrating video game minigame you've ever played?
There was this one secret level in Super Mario Sunshine where you had to go down a slide and collect all eight red coins in order to gain a shine sprite. Well that would have been all fine and dandy if the slide had not been IN MIDAIR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SKY GOD KNOWS WHERE. So I died. A lot. And never did get the shine sprite, which meant that I always got the shitty ending to that game.
7. Be honest, even on these hard-hitters: favorite kind of sandwich?
Salami and provolone with or without tomato. Also Village Inn's grown-up grilled cheese, which I never EVER get sick of eating.
8. What was favorite book when you were in second grade?
The Music of the Dolphins. I thought it was amazing and was so jealous, considering I would have given anything to live at sea with a pod of dolphins when I was in second grade.
And still now, honestly.
9. On the subject of second grade ... what was your biggest childhood fear?
Natural disasters. Every night I prayed that I would survive until morning because I was absolutely sure that torrents of earthquakes, housefires, and asteroids were just waiting until darkness fell to strike my house.
10. Who is a book character you'd just like to punch?
I have no idea. I literally cannot think of an answer to this question. Everyone.
11. Do you have a favorite old beaten-down item of clothing?
I have a jacket that I wore every day in high school. It definitely needs to be trashed because the sleeves are coming un-sewed, are covered in paint, and the jacket body itself is too short for me. But it's just so cuuuute.
12. Have you ever studied another language? If yes, which one--and why did you pick that one? If not, which one would you learn and why?
I studied Spanish in jr. high and high school because it was required to graduate. I actually really liked spanish and I picked it because my mom was fluent in spanish and I wanted to converse with her in the grocery store (which we did a lot, mostly in the fruit section). I also assumed that in my life I was more likely to visit spanish speaking countries since that's where a lot of the rainforests are.
13. Is there something everyone else likes that you hate?
I wouldn't say I hate something that everyone else loves. I don't think Modern Family is as funny as other shows like The Office and 30 Rock (but I still like the show and DO think it's funny). I also don't think cruises are as fun as actually going somewhere and being able to explore, etc.
14. Where's the coolest place you've ever traveled?
Jamaica, where we hiked a river, floated down another river, and drank Red Stripe that was 12% alcohol (rather than the 5% it is in Utah). Livin' the dangerous life.
15. On the subject of difficult fruit, which pays off more: pomegranate, pineapple, or a surprise contender?
Not pineapple, considering I am allergic to it (and dislike it immensely). Honestly though, the payoff from a pomegranate sucks. But I would rather gather those seeds and enjoy eating them rather than core and skin a pineapple that somebody else is going to eat.
16. What is the absolute silliest thing on your iPod/in your music library right now?
Disney songs, Pokemon theme song, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, a shit ton of Glee. Pretty much everything in my Itunes library is ridiculous.
17. Do you have any personal superstitions, rituals, or rules that, when not followed, make you nervous?
I knock on wood whenever I say that something is going to happen to me. I'm afraid it really will happen to me if I either don't knock on wood or knock on a wood substitute (everything is plastic around here).
18. Would you rather be a juggler or a contortionist?
19. Do you sing in the shower? If so, what do you sing?
Yes and Disney songs. Mostly either the love ballads or those, "who am I?" types of songs the female leads sing. Maybe I should add some more upbeat songs to my repertoire though, it might be entertaining to sing "One Jump Ahead".
20. Have you made anything you are exceptionally proud of?
I love all of my charms that I make! My favorite charm I ever made was a Flaaffy charm though, that I hung on my gameboy until it broke :( Now it's just an adorable little figurine.
I made it when I was fifteen and then submitted it to DeviantArt, which is why there's a pepto-bismal colored banner surrounding the picture and the picture itself is blurry/not well lit. I really love that charm though.
21. Indiana Jones or Star Wars?
Though honestly? ... ... ... Indiana.
22. If you had to do one of these for two hours, which would you choose: watch a 50's B-movie or read a bodice-ripping romance?
50's B-movie! 50's B-movie! MST3K that shit!
23. What skill do you have that surprises people?
I can draw any pokemon that you tell me to draw from memory. It's a nifty party trick I discovered when my friends and I were at a restaurant with a paper tablecloth and crayons. I drew 52 pokemon on that tablecloth.
24. Is there anything you like that it seems nobody else likes?
While we're on the subject, pokemon! Just kidding, other people do like pokemon. Though it seems like no one is actually as huge of a pokemon nerd as I am. It's more like, "Yeah, I pulled out my old red game and played for awhile" instead of "I SPENT TEN HOURS YESTERDAY TRAINING MY POKEMON WHITE TEAM AND I'M TRYING TO FIND A SHINY VENIPEDE". Just kidding, there are people like that too, I'm just not friends with any of them. Sad :(
For realsies though, I really like those new Toms boots that have a shoe base and then gauze you wrap up around your leg. I think they're really cute.
25. Tell me about your all-time favorite shirt.
Right now it's my purple shirts that has Finn and Jake on it from Adventure Time and it says, "Let's do the science dance!" Get it? Because I am both adventurer and SCIENTIST!
26. What was your favorite TV show when you were small?
Ghostwriters. Which was apparently a lot more interesting when I just made up the entire plot line, because the actual premise is...dull.
27. Polka dots or plaid?
Polka dots!
28. It's been a long, crazy, busy day, but now you're home and you're tired and hungry. Do you sleep first, or eat first?
Eat duh. Eat and drink caffeine and then you're set to watch internet TV until you fall asleep!
29. Who is your favorite comedian?
Eddie Izzard
30. After experiencing civilization, Tarzan, King of the Apes, has decided to stick around in the jungle, but has asked you what you think is the one thing from "civilization" he should take back with him. What do you say?
Laptop. But then he'd have no internet so nevermind.
31. What's your favorite kind of climate?
Warm. Heat. HEAT. And not humid. HEAT PLUS DRY. So desert. But with an ocean nearby.
32. They called you mad, but you'll show them all! If you were a mad scientist, what would your experiments be about?
33. Do you talk during movies?
It's all I do. I literally talk from start to finish during a movie because I cannot NOT make commentary on what's happening, or what I like about the movie, or what I dislike about the movie, or how stupid the main character is, or how amazingly terrible everything about the movie is, or how amazingly funny it is, etc. People either love it or they hate it. Or I pretend they love it and really they just tolerate me.
34. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
All of them. Just kidding, probably Finn and Jake, Invader Zim, Flapjack, and Sideshow Bob. I love cartoons so much.
35. Tell me about your favorite TV show.
MY FAVORITE TV SHOW hmmmmm. Can I just tell you a list of my favorite TV shows? Because I love TV. Even though I rarely watch it. I love Firefly, Adventure Time, 30 Rock, The Office, The IT Crowd, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, GLEE, Futurama, The Simpsons, South Park, and Invader Zim. Probably more. I'll stop here though.
Stay tuned for pictures of an owltter, pictures of charms I am working on currently, and perhaps a story about my Biourp symposium and how I found my soulmate (just kidding).
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