School is back in session. SENIOR YEAR. So it's a big deal. Weird. I always thought of college as a certainty, albeit a hazy one since I was also thought of it as so far ahead in the future that I didn't even need to worry about it. Well now I'm in the same position as I was in high school, only now college is going to be OVER and I have nothing left to fall on. I'll probably end up going to graduate school (and most assuredly some form of higher education after college), but right now it's open. I have room to do...sort of whatever I want. And that's terrifying. I have some choices that I've narrowed down to, and both of them seem awesome, but I'm still a little unsure about how to be a real adult. That's not what this post is really about though. This post I'm going to talk about my schedule, professors, and COLLEGE while I'm still here.
My schedule worked out really well this semester. When I first created my schedule back in the early spring, I made it so I only had class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which was amazing to me since I had never had any days off of school before (bio degrees don't really let you do that. Or sleep in.) Then one class had to be rearranged so it fit into a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule and that was that. But it actually worked out to my benefit, because the old scary professor who used to teach comparative vertebrate morphology who people warned me about is gone, and a new awesome professor who spends a majority of his time running around with antelope is teaching it instead. It's an AWESOME class. Surprisingly enough, it's also my only biology class (this and a lab). It is right up my ally, however, and it feels good to be so confident in knowing and learning the material. We're talking about tetrapods right now and, since I took mammalogy and aced it, I am way ahead of the game as we start talking about different skull types and prototherians verses metatherians verses eutherians. The class itself is fun because so many of my friends are in it (which I was really worried about) and also I have made new friends as well! The lab section that goes along with it is also really cool. It's basically a bunch of stations set up around the room with a different skeleton at each one that we can visit on our own time (within the three hours we have) and take notes on. So we can use our time as wisely or as unwisely as we want (for instance, I left two hours early this past Thursday to go to the football game). This past lab we looked at skeletons of all kinds of mammals, birds, and herps and our lab professor brought in his pet tortoise who wandered around the classroom and bonked into our ankles. He was adorable. I picked him up and, looking at him straight on, he looked super cross-eyed and incredibly confused. AWWWWW.
Next class if fiction writing. I'm excited for this class because A) the professor is not full of shit and B) she encourages us to peer review each other's stuff by praising and then realizing what we ourselves should do based on things the author did in his or her own story. Instead of bashing about grammar, plot, etc. I wrote that story I posted a couple of days ago for this class and it's one of my favorite things I've ever written, despite how short it is.
Tuesday/Thursday classes are the ones that have really interesting professors. My first class is natural disasters, which is terrifying to me. My number one fear as a child was NATURAL DISASTERS. So when I told people I was taking this class, naturally they thought I was an idiot. The professor is AMAZING though. She's this super tall, badass woman who has a short bob, glasses, and a really deep, husky voice. Part of me wonders if she was once a man, because her voice breaks when she's excited (like a prepubescent boy). When we were talking about Hurricane Irene, she told us that she was secretly rooting for the hurricane to landfall, since it hadn't happened in awhile, but she hoped it wouldn't kill too many people. Haha what??? She is so excited about all things natural disasters, it's crazy. At the end of our first day of class, she told us what she imagined would be the worst case scenario for an earthquake in SLC and at the end of it the entire class was just shell-shocked. I immediately thought WE ARE ALL FUCKED and proceeded to tell everyone about it. The class itself seems like it will be a good way to get this QI credit out of the way, though I may remain willfully ignorant by the end of it.
Pop culture and media comes next, and the professor for this is HILARIOUS. I usually never sit up front in classes, but in this one I sit directly in front of him and look up him admiringly. He's probably super creeped out by this. It is really creepy, I'm basically a fangirl. I really don't stop laughing in his classes, he's just so funny. He has this witty, sarcastic, almost mean humor that I thrive off of (considering most people in my life have this kind of humor). On the first day of class he made a comment about a type of baby formula. He said, "Your mom probably mixed it up for you. Or your dad. Or the wolf family that raised you." THAT'S ME!!! Anyways, basically he's hilarious and super suspicious of all new technology sensations and this class is his outlet for telling us how terrible they all are. Also about how the media is trying to cover up everything we're doing to our environment. Like this situation, which I drunkenly ranted about that entire night at the bar.
This is so important, everyone should watch this
This semester should be both bomb and cake, in that it will be entertaining and I'll like what I learn whilst I also earn good grades. Hurray!
Now if I could only stop feeling so shitty all the time.
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