And it was so much fun!
(caution: this post is picture heavy)
We met up at about 10 AM to head to Chabaar, a thai restaurant that, weirdly enough, serves the BEST breakfast. Seriously, their breakfast is so delicious. We were introduced to it last Sunday when we went out to brunch with a bunch of people there. At first we were skeptical, considering it's a thai restaurant, but we were blown away by the food. The other part we love about the restaurant is its menu.
There are three different fonts for the titles of each section: Papyrus, Curlz MT, and then some other medieval looking font for the omelettes section spelled Omelet's. I just love mixed berry served with simple syrup and whipping cream top.
Our food was amazing.
I got this delicious breakfast sandwich that is basically a grilled cheese with eggs, bacon, and tomato on it and Natal got french toast with eggs, hash browns, and bacon. SO GOOD. The wait for the food is ridiculous, but it's well worth it considering how yummy this food is.
After breakfast, we headed over to the fairgrounds. Once we bought our tickets, we found ourselves in the arts and crafts section where, it seems, EVERYONE WINS FIRST PRIZE. Seriously, there are about forty first prizers and then baby three second prizers. Wouldn't that just make it even worse to win second prize, if everyone and their mother won first prize but you didn't? Also it seems that the more hideous the project was, the more likely it was to win a prize. But then some really amazing pieces won nothing. So bizarre.
Someone made a Tardis! I forgot to check whether it won a prize or not. It probably didn't.
I had to include this because WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON? It won a prize. But to be fair, I think a six year old made it. I loved this particular art piece because, obviously, there is a party going on. Also a huge sponge had been hung on the wall that the kid had decorated as Spongebob and Natal asked, "Why is there a penis drawn on his side?" Well that's his arm. Duh.
The other best part about the arts and crafts exhibit was the scrapbooking section. Only in Utah would they have a scrapbooking section for the arts and crafts part of the fair. Apparently, the scrapbooking pages were separated based on technique: professional, advanced, basic, amateur, disabled, and senior citizen. How does one qualify for professional scrapbooking, do you think? I think they have to take a skill level exam before entering into the fair. We spent a good twenty minutes making fun of the scrapbooking pages because God were they amazing.
Also there was a sculpture made entirely out of butter.
After the arts and crafts, we headed over to the animal section where they had AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS!!! There is always some weird animal at the fair, this year it was kangaroos and sea lions.
An albino kangaroo!
They had little pouches hanging from the walls that the baby kangaroos could stuff themselves into. Sooo cuteeee <3
After we'd had our fill of Australian creatures, we started heading toward the other, more traditional fair animals. On the way there, we met up with this guy and learned some amazing moves.
I wanted to be like Dee in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
We liked the feel of their horns (ooer). I taught Natal how to pet the goats the right way (she's still learning since, you know, she's only six...twenty six) and I gave them lots of chin rubs.
Natal petting the pack goat
The single greatest thing happened. This man, who looks like SANTA, came through herding his little family of geese. GEESE DRESSED UP LIKE PEOPLE! It's blurry because the lighting was weird in the barn, they were moving quickly, and I was really excited and thus spastic.
We both took pictures of ourselves with this huge hunk of cow. Natal tweeted that he was her new boyfriend. What a beefcake, right?
The most fabulous sheep I have ever seen. They ARE Sasha Fierce.
After the animals we went over to the market building where they had a bunch of vendors. One of them was selling pillow pets.
These would sort of make me want to cry if they were my pillow pet.
I realized that we'd missed the pigeons and rabbits so we went looking for them. We stepped over a ladder and through a fence opening and then found ourselves near the rabbits and pigeons. THE PIGEONS! MY FAVORITES!!!
This one was sooo cute!
After we were done looking at the animals we walked around some more
We went to the DNR building and looked at lots of dead animals, fish, and turned into bears for a couple of minutes.
We decided we reeeeally wanted to get our pictures taken with those baby kangaroos we saw when we first got to the fair, so we headed back over. A show was going on so we watched that first, Natal's friend showed up and joined us, and then we got to hold a baby kangaroo.
I was so ecstatic! We named her Matilda. The photo of both of us holding her is going to be our Christmas card this year.
We headed to the fair midway and checked out all the games we could play. Natal's friend Vijay played a shooting game while Natal and I tried to make balls into tiny jars to win goldfish. We both failed.
This penguin was wearing pasties...
Cobra PUNCH!
We got some philly cheesesteaks to eat and some lemonade and then scoped out what kinds of rides we wanted to ride. The drop was one of them.
We sung "You Are the One I Want" outside of this.
We got deep-fried oreos. It tasted like funnel cake with oreos inside of it.
More punching going on.
I thought this was really funny and cute. I liked all the different food stands they have at the fair.
We went on the drop, which was terrifying and exhilirating (to be able to see how high up you're going is really scary to me, which is why I'm okay with Terr Terr) and then the Pharaoh's Fury, which is one of those pirate ship rides. It's way better than the one at Lagoon since it's not actually up to code and stays at the steep point for way longer than it should. But SO MUCH FUN! After the rides we decided we were pretty tired after staying at the fair for seven hours so we headed home to make bracelets and watch movies.
The Utah vs. BYU game was last night as well and, even though I didn't get to watch the game, it was still glorious to know that WE WONNNN! We beat them 54 to 10 (I think) aka we kicked their asses. So awesome. Especially since we beat them on their own turf.
All in all, an amazing Saturday at the fair.
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