I'm moving up in the Internet world and embracing the 21st century and using BlogLovin' now! I mostly still need to live in finals world though so I can't do a huge update. I turned in two of my biggest papers though and took what I view to be the hardest final on Thursday (which was HARD and I really, truly hope I passed it with all my might). Still got a final on Monday, a take-home final aka a paper due on Tuesday, and a huge short story revision due Thursday. Plus I'm working all next week and have to shop for Christmas gifts even though I don't get paid until the 22nd, AH! As a break tomorrow I'm going to the craft store and the book store to both purchase supplies to make a shit ton of bracelets (Chrimbo gifts and...for me) and books for my parents.
This has been cool. I'll leave you with this Misdreavus I drew for that drawing challenge I started. I have sort of been keeping up with it. I'm bad at finals week.
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