Because I'm a huge pokemon nerd.
day 1: normal
I chose Cleffa because who wouldn't choose Cleffa?
day 2: fighting
Breloom because it's the only fighting pokemon I like and also it looks like a plant velociraptor I feel.
day 3: flying
So hard to choose, since I love all flying pokemans, but I chose Rufflet in the end because a) they are adorbz and b) easy to draw.
day 4: poison
I did this one ahead of time (sort of, I drew it on 11 PM on Dec 3 which really was only two hours ago) because I shouldn't be doodling pokemon tomorrow/later today since I really REALLY need to write these papers. Seriously. Anyways, I don't really like any poison pokemon a lot (except for the nido evolutionary lines, but they're hard to draw), but Gengar is hardcore. Love him.
So we'll see how this goes. Surely I won't actually draw one every day. I'm sure at the end of finals week I'll have nine or so days to catch up on.
I went to Festival of the Trees with Natal last night and BOY DO I HAVE SUCH STORIES. Well, not truly stories I suppose, but amazing people watching observations. Which can be composed into a story. I'll draw out comics for that probably sometime this week while procrastinating studying for my lab practicum on Thursday.
Also just a quick note before I go to bed, the electricity in my room and my brother's room goes out CONSTANTLY. For awhile everyone was blaming me, because it seemed to only happen whenever I plugged my portable heater in. If you know me, you know that I love nothing more than sitting on the floor in front of my portable heater and surfing the internet/drawing/playing my gameboy/etc. Since my room is FREEZING due to there being no insulation in the walls and my walls essentially being made of concrete, I like my heater. Quite a lot. Just tonight, however, I realized that it is MY BROTHER who has 1325333 things plugged in all around his room. HE can plug in his heater fine and dandy and be warm and cozy while he plays on his desktop computer with its thousands of plug-ins, but when I try to plug in my heater while I have literally ONE other thing plugged into the outlet, THE POWER FLIPS ITS SHIT. I thought I'd fixed it for a couple of days, because I could plug in the heater into a different outlet and keep it on without the power going out, but it just barely went out again like half an hour ago. So once again, I go without heat. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it, I will tell you that for free.
I wrote in my paper (which is about blogs, btw) that people won't go to a blog where the person just bitches about their life all the time, so I'm sorry I add in my personal woes about the electricity. I am just a little bit infuriated that I can't have TWO THINGS plugged in in my room without the power going out. And yet my brother has 1325333 things plugged in in his room and it's fine. UGH. Also I was looking through my blog and there are far too many sad posts. They make me feel icky, like I'm covered in sad juice. So I'm going to stop doing sad posts and only do happy posts and sometimes perhaps ANGRY POSTS (if they can be viewed as funny, which they usually can).
Guess I'll go to bed now. PEACE.
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