-started up aerobics again
-died trying to get back into shape
-found out that I am definitely not as limber as I used to be (which wasn't very limber to begin with)
-my back is so not straight. Laying down on the mats to do stretches is killer
-Basically, exercise is pain incarnate
-learned the entire "Bleeding Love" hip-hop dance
-Went into the back "adult section" of a lingerie shop for the first time. Discovered that this is where roughly 80% of the store's customers are at any given time
-made collages while drinking alcoholic vanilla Dr. Peppers
-started painting with watercolors
-developed a new drawing style. It's still in its baby stages, but I think it's a lot different from my old style and I like it a lot. Especially how easy it is convey emotions on their faces
-experienced the hardships of an ice-queen TA who grades down to the letter. She marks people down for using words she dislikes, such as location rather than environment, and marked me wrong for making a paragraph rather than bullet points. Really? Really??
-painted a shotglass at Color Me Mine with my aunt (an ice scene with penguins and a walrus that says "chill out") and then got blizzards together. It was an awesome neice-aunt date :)
-started biochem...oy
-luckily, I have my friend Matt in that class to suffer through it with. My first exam was today and I was really half-assedly prepared. I semi-memorized the amino acids and got four hours of sleep last night
-started going to Nostalgia, my favorite coffee shop in the world, again to do homework. I realized it's been awhile since I've actually been there regularly when I saw that the apartment complexes that had been skeletons just a few months ago are now fully finished and being leased
-hung out with friends I haven't seen in a really long while at Nostalgia
-Scott organized my keys for me so that now they're all on one keyring and the keys and key-rings I didn't need have been thrown out. One key wasn't even attached to anything, it was just being held up by a tangle of other keys. We were blown away by the fact that it was basically defying physics
-created a new phrased called "boa constrictoring" when you don't eat anything all day until dinner, when you consume a large meal (inspired by Scott's boa constrictor eating habits)
-told my mom that I wasn't going to eat beef anymore (well, I can have it once a month if I want it, but I'm trying to avoid it altogether because cows take up space, food, habitat, and create tons of methane)
-discovered that my conservation biology class is full of pompous Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy hybrids (show offs AND know-it-alls)
-got a little bit huffy during conservation biology because of previously mentioned ice-queen TA and know-it-alls
-found out that there is apparently such a thing as scientific polygamy and am engaged to be wed in order to continue a project after my PI is dead (not really)
-cuddled lots of pigeons
-learned how to give giant runts antibiotics. p.s. look at the man holding that pigeon, he is such a pigeon bro
-started a new thing where I want to go someplace new every weekend. It's a ploy to get myself to go out and experience new things, since I was in such a rut during winter break
-in accordance with this new law, I went to Poplar and Lumpy's with Lisa and Gabi. Poplar I've been to before, and I love it because it's super chill and cute, plus Lisa knows the bartender and he put a maraschino cherry in my cape cod for me when I asked him to :) Lumpy's I've never been to, and I also really liked it! There's a dance floor upstairs that we unfortunately did not get to (though next time I'm totally dancing) and there are pool tables and televisions playing wrestling downstairs. We met up with a bunch of Lisa's friends and hung out with them for the rest of the night, drinking gin and tonics and yelling at the wrestling screen and trying to convince Lisa and Gabi to come dance (because it was me and two other guys who were totally down for dancing, weirdly enough). Also at one point some people called me "flag girl" because I would run to the aid of people in the intersection with one of those fluorescent orange traffic flags to tell people to slow down for them. I got a 'lil drunk. Then we went to Village Inn a little bit after last call for late night grilled cheese and breakfast and then back to Lisa's to watch Hercules. It was SO MUCH FUN, I love those girls
-helped Raphael move some stuff into her new abode and also convinced the bros downstairs to help us out with a dresser and gave them the rest of our New Year's PBR as a reward
-watched Return of the Jedi, geeked out about Star Wars
-my dad downloaded the fan edits of Phantom Menace and Clone Wars and was appalled to find that the asteroid chase scene had been cut from Clone Wars. He immediately refused to watch it after that moment
-started watching How I Met Your Mother
-been to see a therapist to talk about feelings and anxiety coping mechanisms. I'm doing pretty well right now :)
-tried to dye my hair hot pink and teal at the tips, though the teal didn't really work very well. Instead it's a sort of darker hot pink and a weird, dark seafoam green. So I have watermelon tips. We're going to try again once I have more money to buy better hair dye
-helped Natal get rid of some of her clothes
-was reintroduced to my love of Series of Unfortunate Events (clearly) and am still trying to find my old notebook with my clues written down in it
-got hooked on The Bachelor, which I watch with my mom and aunt every Monday after aerobics
-tried to study for my first biochem test and sort of failed. Hopefully I now start to get into the swing of things and forget that I have senioritis, temporarily
-had another completely successful book club evening that involved friends, a lot of wine, and greek food as we discussed the book Middlesex, which is AMAZING
-watched The Last Unicorn and remembered how much I love it
-got to hang out with Clioh and Olivia
-created a Facebook photo album filled with pictures of bats with different expressions on their faces. I call it "Bats with Feelings". It is possibly a crowning accomplishment in my life
-participated in the Internet blackout to protest SOPA on Jan 18 by blocking my tumblr (small and sort of lame, but still effective overall as a combined force since SOPA wasn't passed)
-officially applied for graduation (though late) and have been accepted for Spring 2012
-dropped my Iphone, causing the entire back to crack :( I need to take it into the Verizon store tomorrow or the next day to see if my insurance covers it (it better, why else am I paying $30 a month for it?)
-entered the lottery for a Burning Man ticket. Tomorrow is the last day, so here's hoping I get one. The theme this year is fertility, so essentially biology since it is an important function of life! UPDATE I JUST FOUND OUT I GOT MY TICKET, YAAAAY!
-it has once again been reaffirmed that Alice and I are the same person, because I just took a look at one of her email addresses and saw that it was bacterialmat. Bacteria mats are obviously one of the many things that binds us together, besides our liver and the fact that we're going to BURNING MAAAAN!
That's all I can think of at the moment. Things are definitely looking up from my somewhat dismal state at New Year's, when I was depressed and unhappy with myself. I'm learning how to deal with my anxiety, am forcing myself to do new things, and am happy.
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