I love the little things that make summer awesome
Like having bonfires in people's backyards, resting my bare feet on the stones surrounding the flames and taking pictures of the burning embers
Cuddling with puppies wrapped in blankets
Creating bokeh effects
Trying to find more things to burn
More campfires are in my future, especially when they involve cool mountain air, booze, and hopefully hot dogs. I'm one of those people who actually really likes hot dogs, despite what might be in them.
I found a grilled cheese restaurant. A GRILLED CHEESE RESTAURANT! I love grilled cheese. SO. MUCH. So I was ecstatic to find an entire restaurant revolving around DIFFERENT TYPES OF GRILLED CHEESE. Grilled cheese is a way of life.
Getting fro-yo topped with cookie dough and strawberries. Most of my little summery things have been food related, haven't they? I'm a bit obsessed. Cold treats in the summer, though. The best.
Maraschino cherries. Especially stealing maraschino cherries. I'm notorious for stealing them out of their containers at bars, sometimes even directly in front of bartenders. No one says anything, though, so I'll keep doing it.
Seeing something that I HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE OF because the lighting is absolutely perfect or the clouds are in the most beautiful formation I've ever seen.
Driving around town in my beloved Honda Civic, Growler, with the windows rolled down and the radio blasting. He's helped me skip financial literacy to go to breakfast in high school, has made many trips to Nostalgia for "study" sessions, been parked in many random parking lots overnight during parties, and is now aiding me in my limeade sparkler runs and concert goings this last summer before I leave him here in Salt Lake City to go to Minnesota. I'll miss him with his aggressive demeanor (or maybe that's me) and his slightly crooked equality sticker stuck to the bumper.
Seeing it rain after an entire week and a half of 100 + degree weather.
Bare feet, once again
And taking pictures of every single raindrop orientation
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