8 AM
We have a whiteboard on our counter for writing notes to each other and I saw this on the way out the door. I drew the wolf howling the night before, but someone else drew an eagle (or a superhawk) about to make it its lunch. Awesome.
9 AM
Prepared food for our hungry raptors. Chicken day, mmmm.
10 AM
Weighed this cutie and then fed her. She's usually a pill when I ask her to step up, but she did it PERFECTLY yesterday.
11 AM
More dead things! I was preparing to cut up fish for Woody (our bald eagle) so I could get him into his crate and thus clean his mew.
12 PM
I didn't really know how to convey my frustration at this point, so I took a picture of me in the middle of the room frowning. It's just something I do. Basically, Woody would NOT go into his crate for me and then he footed me in the knee, which really hurt, so I went back inside and then accidentally broke the handle off the fridge. And then I cried a little. It was just one of those days. BUT I girded my loins and took a break, deciding to get Dakota instead to clean out her mew. Dakota stepped up fairly smoothly and then I made a weird face while holding her.
1 PM
Went home and made noodles for lunch.
2 PM
Finished cleaning Woody's mew. After my lunch break I felt a lot better and Woody was PERFECT. It was so strange, he didn't yell at me at all and didn't even want his food. He just hung out on his perch near me while I cleaned around him. It was very unlike him, but also pleasant. I offered him his fish heads as I was leaving and he gently took one from my hands and started eating it.
3 PM
Sweeping partay!!!
4 PM
Did some schoolwork and listened to the Rock of Ages Soundtrack. I love 80s rock.
5 PM
Got home from barn and watched Adventure Time and wrote in my journal. Also I was on call so I had to keep the radio by me at ALL TIMES.
6 PM
[insert photo of us eating dinner by the fireplace and laughing]
(I didn't bring my camera to dinner and lost track of time...)
7 PM
Got dressed up in winter clothes again to go to the bonfire.
8 PM
Hung out at the bonfire. We had a giant pile of things we needed to burn, so we decided to go for it and just burn it all in one go. There was a winter skills class on site, so they helped out with it.
9 PM
Got in touch with my snow yeti roots and listened to Noel read us Jack London's "To Build a Fire". So. Freaky.
Yay hourly photos! I actually even took MORE than my allotted photos (because I can't stop, won't stop). Here are some of the outtakes.
Picasso, our painted turtle. His head is blurry, bleeeh.
This came on to the Pandora 80s rock station I was listening to and it made me really nostalgic for my advanced field ornithology course, where we listened to this on the way to Arizona.
Reading Jack London
Snow claws
The bounty
Trying to roast a marshmallow on a 13 foot fire is difficult
On the walk over to the bonfire, I said, "STRIKE A POSE" and started taking pictures like a crazy person with flash in the darkness with no idea what to focus on, and Leeann and JMack completely obliged. I have a couple of these, but this one is great.
Watching Leeann play Donkey Kong 2.
Dakota in her clean mew.
Anna's adorable owl mug.
Ice crystals on the window.
Notes in Spike's (our porcupines) logbook. "mmm mmm mmm" are his excited noises!
Yesterday was a pretty awesome Saturday. I almost didn't go to the bonfire, but I'm really glad I did! Today is our SUPERBOWL PARTY at Jeff's house, and we're debating between grilling something and pizza. Now I've got to go feed Cica Bean, she'll be hungry. PEACE OUT, RAINBOW TROUT.
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