part 1 :: red//part 2 :: orange
Yellow was SO HARD for me for some reason. So I compiled all of the yellow photos I've taken over the past year (as you can see, it didn't amount to much). Maybe someday I'll learn to adore the color yellow, but for now I'll leave this here and go on to GREEN, one of my favorite colors!
I am super late in writing a blog post because my parents came up to visit me this past weekend! We played with creatures, went cross-country skiing, went owling in Duluth (where I saw three Great Gray Owls), indulged in lots of fried foods at hole-in-the-wall restaurants in small town Minnesota, watched movies in haunted cabins, went to a fancy Dinner at the Lake, and got our drink on. It was amazing, and I have tons of pictures to share here, but unfortunately both my computer hard-drive and my external are both out of space. I have TOO MANY PHOTOS (no such thing). So I ordered a new one with the help of a gift card from my Oma and Opa (as well as some wellies for when springtime finally decides to show up). Prepare for photo overload when that guy gets here (500 GB, YESSSS).
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