I am obsessed with all things tiny, so the prospect of taking photos of Felix with miniature items SUPER appealed to me. Unfortunately, he was either scared or uninterested in all tiny items I presented him with. I only got him to interact with this little grocery bag (briefly) because I stuffed some food in there.
There is a "fever" of Cownosed Rays in the Isles of Steel exhibit, soaring through the water in a perfectly synchronized flight.
Something red.
Something orange.
Went to the beach with the dogs! Koda and I went swimming, I threw the ball for him until he decided he was bored and let it drift down the beach, I tried to write in my journal but Koda kept drooling on it, and drank some vodka lemonade in the sun. It was fantastic.
Something yellow.
There have been so many storms in Texas, lately.
You might be able to tell, but I tried to start a "rainbow week" photo prompt. There are sporadic pictures of colors mingling with the photos of everyday life, but I think I'm okay with that. I would rather have a full life than one where I have to seek out a specific color to photograph. I mean, I still want to do that, but I'm okay with it not being in a row :) I just finished housesitting for Andie and Geoff and am now able to sleep in my own bed, play with my birds, and catch up on real-life (aka cleaning and chores and grown-up things, WHATEVER). I am currently illustrating a book that Megan wrote for her upcoming summer camps, so I'm up to my ears in watercolors. And I'm okay with it! I've been drinking a lot of iced coffee, painting, and am currently in the process of trying to revamp how I eat. It's tough, and it's gonna get tougher, but I have faith! Summer is a great time for eating delicious salads and fruit, so hopefully that helps out.
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