Raindrops on a hibiscus (from the previously mentioned storms); I love the little droplets on the stem!
Something green
Something blue
Something purple (I'm combining indigo and violet because I clearly am quite bad at this rainbow prompt in a week thing)
My majestic unicorn on the beach. I've been making the beach a weekly thing now; it's so healing to be able to float in the sea and let the troubles of the week dissolve into sea foam
I tried taking some impromptu portraits of myself with the hood of my car acting as a tripod. I look sort of like a be-sundressed bigfoot running off into her ocean home (which maybe I kind of am)
Earth is turning six this next week, so in celebration I shot a photoshoot of her and Elise together! I really like how a lot of them turned out; we shot during golden hour and the lighting was AMAZING! Also she tied this adorable bow around her neck!
I am a week behind again! AGH WHY! A couple of updates on life: a) we got a new trainer and are slowly training him up so we can be fully staffed again, hurray! b) summer show schedules are rough and we have done a ton of physical activity out in the 100 degree heat index, which has been super tiring c) I am trying really hard to cook at home more, as well as create more elaborate meals with vegetables and protein d) I found a new place to live along with my new roommate! In July we will be moving to an AMAZING apartment complex right on the bay and I am so SO excited!
Those are the biggest pieces of news! Other fun things include going to a new brewery and playing bean bags, going dancing with the girls (where a Jamaican man complimented my skills), I'm almost done with the book illustrations I started painting for Megan's Nature's Superheroes program, I did a lot of online shopping, and I saw Mad Max! OH MY GOD THAT MOVIE WAS SO SO GOOD!
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