Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sitting in the back seat...waaay back there

Since I spend possibly 42% of my life on Twitter, I noticed that Rebecca Black has been trending for the past few days. I spend the remaining percentage of my time alternating between Tumblr and Facebook (and sometimes even studying and playing pokemon), so I've also noticed that this same girl has been the star of many memes. Wondering why she was being so popularly mocked all of a sudden, I investigated. The answer is this music video. If you can call it that. It looks more like the awful home videos of epic sagas involving dragons (which were really just me swaddled in a large duvet cover) that my friends and I used to make in jr. high, only with more weird, auto-tuned singing.

I can tell you up front that this may be my new favorite music video because of how incredibly AWKWARD it is. She sings facing the camera THE ENTIRE TIME with an uncomfortable smile plastered to her face while she tries to sing through her lips and teeth. The fact that she chose to have her face rendered in that awful "pencil drawing" format that you can do on paint programs is unfortunate. Like my father realized one Christmas when he did that to my entire family's faces for our card, it really brings out everything unflattering about your features. In Rebecca's case, it makes her look like she's forty and has a double chin. There are many unanswered questions in this video, such as why is she trying to decide what seat to sit in when there is only one seat left? Why would she take the bus when she knew her friends had a rad convertible, kicking in the front seat and sitting in the back seat? Why couldn't she think of a better term than just sitting in the backseat when the front seat people are "kicking"? Why does she assume we need help with the days of the week? Honestly, there's a part where she sings out the fact that thursday comes before friday, and saturday and sunday come after. Maybe she needs help herself. The lyrics are incredible, the "partying" unrealistic (especially since it's a party for twelve year old, come on now), and basically the entire video is just...amazing.

Keep in mind that when I say amazing, I mean awful. But that's what I love.

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