Since I had just recently watched the Glee episode about alcohol (which also had a fifteen minute party scene in it that made me thirsty for tequila), I was in the mood for the latter. So we decided to party it up at Raphael's house. This is the story about how Otter became a sad drunk, illustrated with shitty comics for your entertainment.
We all arrived at nine, and our friend Kit brought a bottle of orange vodka that had been sitting around since the end of finals (i.e. four months ago). We decided to have at it and take some shots before we started in on the PBR (decisions, decisions).
Left to right: Otter, Raphael, Maddeh, Kit
Not pictured: Kriz, who was also present but only until the end of King's Cup
Kit had bought a myriad of fruit-flavored vodkas for our "end of finals party". Orange was the last one left because it was terrible. It tasted like what I imagine the pesticide Agent Orange tastes like, because it is poisonous and has the word orange in it.
After which, we decided to play DRINKING GAMES. The first up was King's Cup, our go-to game because, usually, the table we choose to play on has limited bouncing capabilities and thus games like Quarters and Chandelier are out. King's Cup is one of my favorite drinking games to play (besides Chandelier and Beer Pong) because of its many confusing rules. Especially the "make up your own rule" which switched from me not being able to talk unless it was my turn (torture, considering how loud and obnoxious I am), Raphael not being able to look out the window (which she was obsessed with because she wanted to make new friends), to something I can't remember, to having to swear every time you said something. Towards the end of the game, the requirement was that you had to chug an entire beer every time you had to drink. This resulted in me having to chug three beers in under five minutes at one point. Kit tried to help me out with a chant he came up with.
At one point I almost choked because I felt like I was going to vomit and he switched it to, "Don't you barf, just chug that beer".
After King's Cup, we decided it was high time we played Beer Pong. Unfortunately, we only had a little, round table to play on.
(it looks like I'm not wearing pants in this picture, but I promise that I am. Plus, this is just a poor rendition of actual people anyways)
So we had to go on a search to find something bigger, or something to make into a table. I was feeling quite resourceful at this point, considering how trashed I was. I decided that it made sense to assume that Kriz had a large plank of wood on her room because she's an art major.
Instead I found a box, which I reasonably thought we could use to lengthen the table somehow. Meanwhile, Kit and Raphael had gone on an adventure to find ping pong balls and cups. I was extremely disgruntled that I had been left behind because I LOOOOVE adventures, but Maddeh talked me down and instead distracted me with a cigarette, which we went outside to smoke. While outside, we met Raphael's downstair's neighbor JEFF who we discussed philosophy with. Or something. I can't really remember. All I remember is him asking if he could party with us, to which I responded "YES" and to which Maddeh responded (wisely), "I don't know, you'd have to check with Raphael". The other two members of our crew returned with a beer pong kit that was a total rip off for what it consisted of: two ping pong balls and twelve plastic cups. This would have cost maybe five dollars at any normal store, but since it was 2 AM on a friday night, it cost them ten dollars at the 7-11. I'm actually not sure how much it cost, because I think every time Kit told us how much it cost, it went up by a dollar.
First teams were Kit and I verses Maddeh and Raphael. At that point in time, I was actually doing really well. I'm amazing at Beer Pong until my alochol levels increase exponentially. For some reason, I had sobered a little and was able to sink a few cups with great ease. Kit was also really good at it, so we were kind of annihilating. Until we were down to the LAST THREE CUPS. We asked for a re-rack and then it was almost impossible to get any of the balls in. Raphael and Maddeh were doing their damndest to distract us.
Since we were only 50% male on my side of the team, Kit was convinced that we had to act 100% to distract the other team. This involved pretending to have penises (in my case, anyways). After awhile though, I got bored by this and instead just started to dance.
My dancing involved quite a bit of gyration, which was really, really hard to keep up if the other team was trying to line up their ball perfectly.
Eventually, Kit sunk that last cup (at this point, I was too gone once again to throw correctly) and we rejoiced by doing a victory dance and high school musical high-fiving. Then we switched teams. I joined Raphael on the other side, and together we failed. Failed pretty hardcore. It was also at this point that something shifted. I started feeling inexplicitly sad. This stemmed from my previous, competitive anger that the game had instilled in me. By the end, when we had lost and had to drink a keg's worth of beer each, I started to tear up.
All I could think of was, "EVERYONE HERE IS FRIENDS BUT ME" while I bawled. It was uncomfortable for everyone.
I felt really, really bad about it. I thought everyone hated me. I was absolutely sure that Kit and Maddeh had hightailed it out of there because they'd gone outside for a smoke and hadn't returned. Raphael sat with me and assured me that they all loved me and we had drunken heart to hearts. Even though it was embarrassing, it was still nice to know that they cared about me enough to stick through the tears and to comfort me in my sadness.
After the crying fest, we watched Ratatouille. I don't know why really, because we were all pretty bored by it. Also, Raphael made a comment about how Linguine looks just like a friend we knew in high school and now I can't unsee it.
Anyways, at this point we were all bffs and happy again.
I had cried all my drunkeness away and drank two gallons of water while I was trying not to cry 45 minutes earlier, so at 4:30 AM, Kit, Maddeh, and myself all headed out. I dropped Maddeh off and then crawled into bed to pass out around 5.
All in all, I would say it was a successful evening. Now we'll just see if it ever happens again, because I might have scared everybody off with my tears. It's strange, because usually I'm a terrifyingly happy/obnoxious drunk who is intent on reaching the forest and who gallops around on her knees.
The rest of the weekend was spent recuperating with my otter half, Natal, while eating junk food and watching Hoarders, Rugrats, and 30 Rock. And what a great weekend it's been :)
Now I just have to find my camera charger so I can take pictures again...
This is the best rendition of that night. You forgot the chant of Kit and myself while we were beer bong buddies: Gyrate your junk, cum in the cup!
ReplyDeleteAw man, I did! Fail, that was one of the best parts. I should take notes next time