But in an awesome way.
I found out that if I rearrange my room a little (shove stuff into corners), I can create a mini dance floor in between my bed and desk! I used to dance by myself in my room all the time, which was a majority of my cardio, so now that I can do it again I find myself interjecting 30 Rock or That 70s Show with bouts of dancing to pop songs.
I love it. I love dancing so much.
This week has just been awesome so far. I got a documentary in the mail called The Pursuit of Excellence: Ferrets, which is about crazy ferret breeders. My friend who suggested it to me described it as "Best in Show, but real". Needless to say, I am ecstatic to hang out tomorrow with one of my friends I went to Arizona with earlier this year and watch it while drinking beer. Yay! Also I've rediscovered my love for 30 Rock, downloaded the above song and danced to it a lot, went to the gym with Gabi and Lisa and felt GREAT afterwards, have been super productive thus far this week, found out I have extensions on homework assignments I've not yet done, I got my adorable new Iphone case, I watched Repo the Genetic Opera again and wondered why no one bothered to clean up all the dead bodies, I hung out with Natal and we did facials and our nails, and basically I'm happy. Really happy.
Milkshake, writing (for fun!), and MST3K aka the perfect Saturday night in
Me and Taffy bein chill
Man I love Instagram
(next up is a post about my childhood toys, since class today reminded me of my doctor Barbie and her stethoscope that made heartbeat sounds when you pushed a button)
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