Sorry all of my titles have been songs lately. I am listening to that song right now so...that's what the title's gonna be.
Quick update on what I've been up to (in Iphone pictures):
Ferret movie was awesome. No beer, but I survived. The rest of the week was sort of just so-so to make up for the beginning of it being FANTASTIC I suppose, but it wasn't bad either so for that I'm grateful. It's getting to be crunch time and it's really easy to get caught in a funk. On Friday I set up the Gamecube in my room and played Super Mario Sunshine all night because I wanted to pretend like I was somewhere sunny.
This made my NIGHT because, in my world, this is the only acceptable thing to do.
Saturday I went to the mall with Raphael
My words: "This isn't a fortune, I already KNOW that!"
That pizza is sad.
This is my new profile picture because I think it makes me look like a circus horse, which thrills me. While a the mall I bought cute hoop earrings and amazing OCTOPUS ones because all of mine are gross and I should clean them.
The next day I hung out with Natal and we returned a stray dog to his (weird) owner
and bought Bubblicious
and she made my hair pretty!
Also I'm taking care of Malcolm (her Meyer's Parrot) while she's gone for Thanksgiving. This is him and Winston meeting for the first time.
My lab job at the moment is to make little labels for all the parasites our crew collected in the Philippines over the summer. So cute and small.
There are always these weird, color-sapped white leaves around a certain tree near the JTB building on campus and I finally snapped a picture of one on the way home one day.
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