Anyways, GOD THE IPHONE IS COOL. I can use it to look up youtube videos in a flash when I trying to describe Sexy Sax Man to my friends or to play Fruit Ninja when I'm waiting in line for something or to take instagram photos of EVERYTHING. Here are some pictures from my weekend (I was a fool and forgot to take pictures at the biggest events though...woops)
This one is my favorite
I also like this one
After Friday's weird sickness my weekend got a lot more fun. Saturday was spent, of course, getting my new phone and getting my eyes checked out. Turns out I have astigmatism in my right eye and that's why my vision has felt weird for the past week when wearing my contacts. I got a new astigmatism contact for it that's weighted, so it felt a little weird at first but now I'm used to it :) Saturday night was our Guy Fawkes Party at Lisa's house. She made a delicious tortellini soup full of vegetables and her friend Bri (maybe Bree, not sure how to spell it) came over and brought a salad and I brought over lemon bars, so we had a feast while we drank screwdrivers (Lisa drank a bloody mary to be especially english, but she let me taste some of it and I wanted to throw up) and watched V for Vendetta.
I forgot how GOOD it was. I saw it when it first came out in theaters, which was before I was 17 because I remember my friend's mom had to come with us and she snuck beer into the theater since she doesn't like soda. Anyways, I loved it. Now I feel all rebellious and want to stick it to the man and/or overthrow something. After V for Vendetta I was feeling pretty drunk since I'd had two screwdrivers at that point and was making my way through a vodka tonic with half a lemon in it. We took a break to talk and eat lemon bars and then started in on Ghostbusters, which I had brought with me. I passed out a quarter of the way through it, however. Sunday was spent unpacking the last of my stuff, throwing things that need to be donated into my car, doing my homework early (impressive, no?), and then hanging out with Sunny. We watched Rio, which I LOVED.
THE BABY BIRDS ARE SO CUTE!!! I basically screamed through the entire movie. Ugh it was adorable. They got the crazy bird people down PAT, as well as the movements of pet parrots. The way Blue walked and climbed and his mannerisms were all perfect. Also I'm glad that a movie was done about biodiversity conservation, especially aimed at macaws since 14 out of the 17 species of macaws are endangered. It's a movie after my own heart. The only thing that super bugged me was the parrots did not have zygodactyl feet in the movie. It's a technicality that only a bird nerd would hate, but that's me. We started Beauty in the Beast, but everyone else was asleep while I sang the songs grandly to myself, so I decided to leave halfway through.
Now I'm about to watch the rest of Ghostbusters to end this loverly weekend.
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