One of my friends calls it S.A.D (Single's Awareness Day). I'm sure many other people also call it this. WELL NO WORRIES FRIENDS! Because I have some stuff to cheer you! (or maybe make you weep because nothing will make you feel better except for chocolate and sex but mostly chocolate or maybe vodka).
First of all, since this is indeed the holiday of luuurve, I would like to share my favorite lovey dovey song.
I LOVE Owl City. I was first attracted to them because of their name (duh), but I also love their music a lot. It's exactly what I like - a little electronica, a little guitar, nice vocals, and lyrics about the ocean, lights, birds, the sky...basically everything I love. Haters gonna hate. Anyways, love this song.
Here are some valentines that are especially appealing to me and that I would love to get.
(all of these ones KILL ME hahahahahaha)
Let me let you in on a little secret: I actually hoard valentines and pictures that could be valentines because so many of them are hilarious/adorable. So when I finally actually DO have a valentine (you know, like a real boy one), then he will be bombarded with so many fucking awesome valentines he won't even know what hit him.
My valentine is my dog this year, which is good because he's pretty into cuddling and watching chick flicks and also he won't eat all the delicious treats I plan on getting for myself (because otherwise he'll be poisoned).
It's probably a good thing that I don't actually have a valentine (besides all my biffles who I always send valentines, don't even worry), because I would probably end up like this.
So I guess what I'm saying is that LOVE IS COOL and even though I don't have somebody I am still happy because I still have love in my life. Love for all my franz, my biffles, my pets, my family, nature, creatures, the birds, the trees, the stars, vodka, etc. I have a six-pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade in the back of my car that I forgot I bought this weekend, so you can BET YOUR ASS that I'll be consuming most or all of those! And probably eating cookie dough while cuddling with my dog (the aforementioned valentine). Even though I wish he loved me back, I know I'll be okay.
And if you are just completely not feeling the "spirit" of Valentine's Day and want to rip apart happy couples, here you go.
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