A lot of Friday night was spent dancing to 80s pop with Maeby Baby. My family is pretty partyrific in that sometimes they decide to play really loud music over the I-Pod speakers in the living room and then dance. When I used to live in the laundry room over the summer, I once woke up at 8 AM on a Saturday morning to my father and mother dancing (aka stomping in the room above my head) to "On the Floor" by J-Lo. Friday night was one of these times, so even though I was feeling headachey and exhausted, I joined in with my dad's enthusiasm and picked out songs. I noticed that Maeby was excitedly bobbing up and down her perch, so I took her out and discovered that she loves to dance. She bobs her head in time to the beat of the music, scampers back and forth across her cage, does a weird "walk like an Egyptian" type of dance, and I'm trying to teach her to sway from side to side. Basically, I spent Friday night dancing with a bird. And it was awesome. Oh, also the next part of Friday night was spent watching Dances with Wolves, which I ADORED and squealed about for a good portion of the night. Well, not the sad parts obviously. Parts involving Cisco and Two-Socks, mostly.
This is the part we left off at, the buffalo hunt (well, actually after he kills the buffalo and saves that kid and he trades his hat for a knife but I digress). I can't wait to watch the rest, though I am scurred that someone I am attached to will get hurt and/or killed.
The rest of Friday night was spent painting Blue Fairy Wrens

Sorry for the poor quality, they were taken with my Iphone in the semi-darkness of my room. Saturday was spent sleeping in and then heading over to Clioh's house to watch SHERLOCK! SECOND SEASON! So last time she showed me a little bit of the first episode and there was a PREVIOUSLY ON SHERLOCK segment, which is when I realized that I had not seen the entirety of the third episode of Season One. So uh it was news to me that John was almost blown up by Moriarty. So this is a good time to tell you how much I fucking LOVE JIM MORIARTY! He is fucking NUTS and I love him. Hounds of Baskerville was my favorite episode MOST DEFINITELY, even though he wasn't in it at all. First episode was sort of stupid...stupid as all fuck actually. BUT oh welll. I still really enjoyed the season overall, even though...SO HEARTBREAKING. Ugh I will refrain from pouring feelings out about it now since it would be spoilery to peeps who haven't seen it and also I'm too tired to really go into it right now, but know that Moriarty is basically my life.
We made nachos for dinner and then watched a truly fucking weird show by Noel Fielding called Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy. Some of it is really legitimately funny and some of it is just...fucking weird as shit. Some of it is both! Some of it is on Youtube but I can't...I can't post a video here, it's too much. TOO MUCH I SAY. Also Youtube isn't really working very well so I can't embed the video I would have posted otherwise. So just imagine some weird shit in your head and multiply it by fifty. Slash look it up on youtube. After dinner, I headed out to meet up with Raphael while she ate and then we headed back to my place to watch Phineas and Ferb and WATERCOLOR! Where I ended up painting this.
A European Bee-eater! I had to go to bed "early" because I was also getting up "early" so by midnight I was in bed trying to get to sleep. Then I woke up at eight to clean the bathroom and head out to Natal's house by ten so that we could get some brunch at our favorite weird brunch place, Chabaar! Mmmmm such delicious breakfast sandwiches. After brunch, we watched Sucker Punch (which I love, even though it is totally female objectification etc. etc. it's still kickass and a really cool looking movie and Emily Browning is perfection) and I helped Natal get rid of some stuff (sort of). She also gave me a bunch of her movies and headbands, which was so awesome! So now I have a bunch of new chick flicks to watch and pretty hair things to wear. We then ended up making chocolate-covered Oreos for her co-workers at the school she works at.

The bad news about this weekend, ROSEANNE WAS TAKEN OFF OF INSTANT PLAY. I am seriously upset about this. I tweeted Netflix about it, you'd better believe it. UGH I'M SO SAD/MAD :( I love Roseanne. I was going to watch it for my theater class homework and when I discovered it was gone I was so, so sad. But at least I'm snuggled up in bed watching Bridget Jones'es Diary (given to me by Natal, yaaaay!). Also the Superbowl was today so that's cool I guess. I sort of watched the first half with my family and then tapered off and instead favored watching TV for my homework. Lots of delicious food though = SO GOOD.
I'm going to sleep now since there is a long day of...you know, MONDAY ahead of me. Nighty night.
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