Favorite sketch of the episode.
Friday night I was feeling a little melancholy, which is really weird because I was so so happy the entire day until I got home. Then a weird loneliness sort of sunk in and I felt inexplicably sad and sort of homesick (weirdly enough), which persisted throughout the weekend. I could maybe pinpoint a source, but mostly I was just pissed off that I was feeling that way. I'm supposed to be HAPPY. Friday I spent drawing and watching Portlandia, which did cheer my up. I drew out a comic of an intricate dream I had just a couple of days ago. I'll post the whole thing once I gain access to a scanner, but for now here is a preview.
This weekend has been a good one, though there were a couple of cancelled plans on my part :( I was going to go hiking (to Antelope Island!) but that fell through because I had previously planned to attend my cousin's birthday party. I did end up having a couple of pretty great adventures from that. I think it warrants its own post though, so tomorrow I'll post all the pictures and tell the tales. One involves getting stuck in a children's roller coaster. I also sacrificed all my quarters for the happiness of two little boys.
Maybe it was worth it though.
After the birthday party (which was hell on earth), I went over to Raphael's house for dinner and a THING-A-THON!

This was the best scene of all time, I was dying with laughter.
This is my verdict. '80s Thing: THE BEST. 2011 Thing: So. Boring. The only thing I was interested in was seeing the two-person morph you see burnt in the snow in the '80s version, but I was pissed because it felt like a remake of the '80s version, just stupid. Plus they had to shove in an epilogue of sorts DURING the credits to make it merge into the '80s movie. It was lame. Puppetry will always trump CGI, in my opinion. The '80s Thing was AWESOME though, Kurt Russel's hair, moments that made me scream, and hilarious Thing morphs are all highpoints of this movie. ALSO the amazing defibrillator scene, as shown above. When we first started watching the movie, I kept asking what The Thing was. And no one could tell me. They could only explain it as, "Well...it's a thing". After watching the movie I completely understand, though it took awhile for me to understand its biology in any capacity. Prior to The Thing there were a lot of whisky 7-ups ingested, along with a delicious spaghetti dinner. Then we interspersed our Thing-a-Thon with new episodes of Phineas and Ferb. I would say our epic Thing-a-Thon night was most DEFINITELY a success, even though the 2011 movie was sort of a disappointment.
Basically what I've learned is that if I EVER want to go to Antarctica for field research, I'm going to need both a cavity and a flamethrower.
It snow/rained today. I went over to Natal's house and took some pictures of ducks before we commenced hanging out, eating oreos and milk and watching SNL and then drawing pictures of things that we love.
My page 'o things I love.
Natal's page 'o things she loves.
So this weekend hast been funneth. Not super looking forward to school tomorrow or this coming week (since it is VALENTINE'S DAY, ugh), but oh well. I'll try to look on the sunny side of life or whatever.
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