Gillian playing piano. What, that's what she looks like
I'll miss being in the Muss and going to home games completely trashed so much
One night we ordered cinna stix to help us complete our essays, but they forgot to give us the dipping sauce (WHICH IS THE BEST PART) so Raphael made her own. It was gross
Natal is tiiiired
Little Skittles the night he came home
Kiwi, before he decided he hated my guts
Painting Shoctopus, which was accidentally left behind when I moved out :(
Saw this in OSH, amazing
Maeby playing with popsicle sticks in a vortex of blurriness
Hanging out with Shelley on a Friday night
My first field project, crawling around under bridges to find pigeon nests
Essay writing at Raphael's house
The classiest octopus, a multi-media picture created by Tegan
Something pretty
Pin-the-nose-on-Voldemort, which we played at the midnight release party of HP 7 part 1
Alice and Tom (high school days)
Andy the Andean Condor
Malcolm and I hanging out, being bamfs
Malcolm helped us with laundry one day
One time Winston just fell asleep in my arms like this
When we rushed the field at the Holy War game in freshman year. One of my favorite memories from college
The pigeon flock that lived across the street from my old house
The sign on the floor of our organic chemistry lab
Ally in her Christmas best
Hanging out at Greenhouse Effect during Thanksgiving break of freshman year, saw this in one of the drawing logs they keep for people to write/draw in
Winston is a bit of a hipster
A beautiful baby macaw named Hobbes, because the boy the parents were buying him for was named Calvin. SO CUTE
Studying physics in my little study alcove in my old room
The I-phone wallpaper Brynnan made specifically for our favorite subject
What my lab gave me for Christmas when I told them I wanted a puppy
Beautiful sunset from Village Inn last summer
Standing outside and watching fire trucks, trying to discern what was wrong (also last summer)
Sharing ramen noodles with Bell Bell, the parakeet that Jenni's roommate, Natasha, had smuggled in. Freshman year was full of nights playing with Bell and doing crafts while watching TV or playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
My flip flops slip/hydroplane when it rains, so I walked home barefoot
Little Mr. Bell
I've always loved this, who the hell actually assumes that chihuahuas are ever that large? Or any dog?
Good email topic
Spaghetti Factory present for my 21 birthday
Walking home from intro biology at 10 PM in the pouring rain, freshman year
A random dog that joined me at the bus stop one morning and waited by my side until the bus came
Mam. In an elevator
Eco fair, sophomore year! My favorite is that clean coal unicorn; Elyse and I signed it.
Adorable chew toys I bought Taffy and Winston
Avery duckling cuddles
Swans at La Caille from when mom and I went for dinner last summer
Gillian with magnets on her teeth from her locker since they stuck to her braces. COOL KIDS
Deciding how Bill in True Blood spells things (according to how he says them) at Diva's in junior year
Baby dinosaur painting I was obsessed with at the dinosaur museum on the way down to Arizona for field research last summer
My AP test aides from high school: the smiley eraser and smiley rock were both from Croft for calculus and the Jesus pencil topper was from Thackery for English (CHRIST FIGURES!)
Red Creeper, the stuffed animal won from a claw machine from a roadside Denny's by Cassideedeedee that became the field course mascot
A raindog seen on the way to Arizona
On the beach in Florida, summer 2010
Favorite book
My favorite painting ever, "Saturday Night on the Ranch" (the bamboo frame is what kills me)
Sunny and I on my 19th birthday, all dolled up and ready to go (also the second time I'd ever died my hair)
Sonoran Desert Museum, 2011
The deck out behind the classroom in the Santa Rita Experimental Range, where we always stay during field courses
The road to Madera Canyon
Heart cactus
More aviary ducklings
My legs were several different layers and lengths of being tanned, they could be aged like rock layers I feel (Arizona, 2011)
This sea turtle is named after a pokemon, which is awesome (at the sea turtle reserve when I went to Florida)
The great dinosaur battle of the Aviary, 2008
I'm glad this exists
A weird man and his parrot we drew on the board of the animal handling class I took in senior year of high school
Dale pretending to be dead at the Grand Canyon in order to lure California Condors to us
A bird's nest we found outside of Color Me Mine over spring break
The haiku I wrote for the field course in 2009
Really awful picture of a killdeer chick brought into the aviary in 2008
This weekend has been EXHAUSTING! It was Pride weekend, which means so many things to do and see, plus I kind of went on a party bender. I'm not going to be able to spend a ton of money in a while...
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