Natal with her new, bitey friend at Bird World
Hungry, hungry sea turtles
Sleepovers with Raphael
The cobra-punching trinity
Owl City concert with Jenni, summer after freshman year
Alan Rickman playing the part of Dana Scully from X-Files
It is ALWAYS Jabba the Hutt's birthday
One of last summer's Arby runs with Maddeh
Maddeh's moccasins
More moccasins
Car ride
Last summer adventures
Sassy little Clarissa at Lagoon, summer 2012
The swings are my favorite
Malcolm at Natalya's old apt
Pretty hair
Tom in a box
Atticus, the great dane I used to dogsit, and I having a connection, summer 2009
Dad and Manny
Thanksgiving break, 2008, awaiting the arrival of Elder Paco aka Alibus
Tom is a cool cat
Farmington Bay! Remember how I said I couldn't take pictures the first time I went and did field work there? APPARENTLY I DID!
Beautiful sunset over Farmington Bay, summer 2011
More Farmington Bay
Taffy being carried around in my purse after a Farmer's Market, summer 2010
Natal is upset that I put her in time out
Taffy and I, summer 2011
A resourceful use for a giant ball of yarn, Arts Festival 2011
A clump of bb sun conures
An original drink concoction by Natal and I, the Razzmatazz (raspberry vodka, sprite, frozen raspberries)
Cute pigeon in the pigeon sheds, summer 2011
Manny flew up onto the wine shelf
A nighthawk brought into the aviary, summer 2008. I was foolish and thought it was actually a raptor, so I made awkward, incorrect comments about how it must have raptor behavior.
Taffy in her newspaper basket bed
I curled my hair for Sunny's wedding (summer 2011)
Atticus curled up on a bed that is a little too small for him
Elyse looking fetching as she reads Bird Talk in freshman year
The clay creature Gillian made the summer before college that Alice's dad desperately wanted
Late night shenanigans at Toys R Us in freshman year
Godzilla, our old lab pet before we gave him away and got frogs instead
Hugo doing one of his tricks
More Toys R Us tomfoolery
The color combination of this is FIERCE (spring 2009)
The most embarrassing part of this is that I left that mug there
Terrifying pizza-box-man that Jenni made during one of our many lunches together with Maddie, Bryan, Dani, and other peeps (fall 2008)
A drawing game that Clioh and I played
Maddie's delightful version of Bulbasaur
Baby pigeons in our old breeding facility (fall 2008)
The mirror in Korey's bathroom (spring 2009)
Okay then
The owls staring lustfully at the leg lamp that Blair made
Squab and I (winter, 2010)
Soft serve ice-cream was a staple of all dorm diets
Manny was pet of the week at a coffee shop once! When I got the notice, Brynnan, Brooke, and I were all studying in the biology bridge and I FREAKED OUT (spring 2010.
SNAKES! Maddeh drew this
Zeppo when he was just a puppy (summer 2007)
Mardi Gras in the dorms with Maddeh and Lysey! (spring 2009)
Avocet (spring 2010)
Beach-house sunset (spring 2011)
Bell Bell
Bomb-fly drawing of Chewie I requested on the pizza box
Winston cuddles
Vader, pizza box style
Snake we saw outside of the aquarium (spring 2010)
Disabo turtles
Leafy Sea Dragons
Oh yes, Maddeh is very wise as a six-eyes
Manners and I (2007 sometime)
Natal and Mannito (summer 2010)
Little Mae, the sea otter
I have always know this as Shipwreck Park
Drunk one night (spring 2011)
Stingray love
Sunny and I at a wedding (winter 2010)
L. O. L. at Diva's (RIP)
I earned the GOLD MEDAL of tidepooling at the aquarium! SUCK IT (spring 2011)
The sweet coveralls I wore while working with penguins (spring 2010)
Weirdo Winnie
Maddeh does NOT want her picture taken
Spring Break 2011 was a good time
Thus ends old school like the old school. I had a job interview today that I think went really well! I hope I get it (fingers crossed).
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