Wednesday, March 9, 2016

victoria adventures PART II

After our trip to the Victoria Zoo and our delicious lunch at the brewery, we decided to drive around downtown Victoria in search of more adventures. I'm the type of person who thinks photographing cool buildings and getting coffee warrant the word "adventure", so that could mean anything. I'm flexible in my sense of wonder.

We drove around downtown and found something amazing.

This abandoned bank was entirely COVERED in beautiful graffiti. It wasn't tagging or turf war remnants, it was legitimate ART. And if there's anything I love, it's bright, colorful, fun art.

We drank in the murals coating the brick around the entirety of the building, me clicking furiously in my quest for photos and Drea pointing out the smaller pieces I might have otherwise missed in my thirst to capture this strange and wonderful building in the heart of a tiny, Texas town.


This one was my favorite - it reminded me of Adventure Time!

We also found Jack Skellington!

Along the street, there was a wall with gradients of color - from electric pink to turquoise spotted with cardinal red bubbles. What better for portraits and jumping photos??

We really utilized the hell out of that wall.

Over an hour was spent at this spot, at which point the light was waning from Golden Hour, so we decided some coffee was in order, and then the drive home. On the way out of town, we also saw this additional rainbow mural - Victoria is a surprisingly colorful town.

Bonus photo of Drea sitting moodily on some steps.

I was really happy with these photos and this magical location. I would definitely use any of those backdrops for portraiture ANY DAY. I want to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone, which includes taking more photo of people, expressions, and actions. I will still take many-a-photo of food, animals, and scenery, but I also want to include more creativity, out-of-the-box, adventure shots!! And I feel like these photos can be included in that category.

To conclude the most perfect day ever, we stopped by one of our favorite pizza places to get a beer and then headed home for an episode of SVU.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

catch the raves

Our facility recently launched a staff campaign where staff members could send in their best photos of their animals paired with a "rave review". Bonus points if the review was as punny as possible. Here were my entries.

"A unique experience"


"Two paws way up!"

"Owl-ways a hoot!"

"Otterly adorable!"

I REALLY struggled coming up with those reviews. Sometimes competition does the opposite of bringing out the best in me, it can actual hinder my creativity.

I can't believe my rave review for Kogi was "personable". WELL HE IS

Monday, March 7, 2016

2015 favorites

You might have noticed that I stopped posting my 365 project on here (or maybe you haven't, either way it's cool). I realized I was only really halfway through posting it here while in "real life" I was done and moving onto other things.

I loved my 365 project and was so proud of myself for keeping up with it; it pushed me out of my comfort zone in taking photos, taught me about my camera and photography style, and also helped me realize what I wanted to learn more about or shoot more photos of.

If you ARE interested in seeing more of my 365 project, you can see the rest of my photos here. I'm currently looking into making them into a book - a pictorial story of my 2015.

My desire for 2016 is to expand my photography skill-set; purchase a new lens, take more photos of people, work on my night photography, and continue to be unafraid of backlash for taking out my camera in any situation.

Here are a couple of my favorite photos that I took in 2015 (out of the 200 outtakes/favorites I recently edited).

The Hope Outdoor Gallery in Austin, TX. I caught this particular artist in the act of attempted disguise

A gorgeous sunset over the silhouetted freeway

He watched while you eat your pizza - also in Austin, TX (I could take photos there forever, I feel)

Arrie is "otterly adorable" (hides in a cave to escape the shame of the pun)

I really like it when my brother wears blue - it brings out the ginger tones in his beard PERFECTLY and really works the contrast between those ginger tones and his eyes. Thank you, Gabe, for your gingery beardness AND for finding a cat that matched this aesthetic so well

A sucker for sun flares, the golden fields of autumn, and long light

A faithful guardian and companion, Madilyn Leah, and my Oma with a rare, blissful smile in the background

Maeby is an adorable creep and wanted to know what I was up to in the confines of my room one time

Black swan at the San Antonio Zoo

A pretty set-up in Austin, TX (surprise, surprise). The textures, colors, and composition of this photo all please me

Hunting with falconers; we watched this gyrfalcon lose a pigeon and then head back to the car for some promised tidbits

Beach camping and bonfires