I know I'm super late and that it's been 2013 for basically TWO WHOLE WEEKS but I wanted to still make a post reviewing 2012, because 2012 was a GREAT year for me! I experienced so much, learned so much, and gained so much from it that I need something to encompass all of the crazy emotions zipping through my mind about it all.

learned how to scuba dive
started painting with watercolors
applied for graduation
started doing a lot better emotionally

a lot of emotional shit went down in my heart, decided I WAS DONE and took control of my feelings and my life
started working on making my photography more interesting and unique in daily life

(I might have accidentally erased about 90% of my spring break pictures from my life...it sucks)
attended the National Conference of Undergraduate Research and presented a poster, my second national scientific conference
had an epic Spring Break full of forts, dancing, festivals of color, rock concerts, and desert camping trips
learned I was getting a DSLR for graduation and freaked. out.
I don't really have any interesting pictures of April, sooo...here's one of Malcolm, who I watched at the time

attended my final research symposium for school and BIOURP
finished up with my final semester of college
banded some birds

GRADUATED COLLEGEEEE!!! With research honors, to boot!
went on a birding trip to Madera Canyon with my mam
got my dslr!!!
started really exploring my city and the surrounding areas. Unlocked Level Wanderlust
began the color challenge (I'm stuck on yellow)
had my first bought of carpal tunnel! NOOOO

travelled to BONAIRE! My first dive trip and I'm already spoiled by the multitude of amazing dives we were able to do
got to see amazing creatures
got the ACNW job!

many trips to the zoo and farmer's market, playing with friends, hiking, Twilight concerts, parties, got my hurr did, went to Lagoon, went swimming, going to the cabin...basically everything amazing that summer has to offer

22nd birthday! One full year of drinking under my belt (and learned what my spirit drink is)
took the GRE
ended my job at the Clayton-Bush Lab :(
moved to Minnesota
met my new family
started a new job!
learned about life in the woods!

swam in the lake, read on the pontoon, canoed everyday, and decided I can never again live away from water
learned more about how to not care what others think
learned so much about so many things. My knowledge expanded 50 fold
rock climbed outside
frolicked through prairie grass
handled raptors again
started training Cica Bean
released fox kits
visited Hawk Ridge

so busy with school groups, not much time to do much else but teach and sleep
went to Hawk Ridge Owl Night, held a wild saw-whet!

project time, worked on the artifact cabinet
learned how to handle every single bird we have
went to Iowa and Nebraska for Thanksgiving

had my mid-session evaluation to determine how things are going during my internship
suffered a crushing disappointment; still learning how to get over it, but it was a very important lesson
went home for winter break!!! Saw my fam!
RAPTOR CENTER! So exciting to see it.
was offered the opportunity to sell my charms in our store!
2012 offered both joy and wisdom to me, and I hope that 2013 has the same amount of partying partying YEAH to offer (and hopefully MORE)!
They're not resolutions, perse, but I did want to make a list of goals that I would try to attain during this year to be an even more successful human being.
2013 Goals
-hourly photos one day a month
-make at least one charm per week
-sell charms in our shop!
-be active everyday
-work on photography more
-learn manual settings, shoot only in manual settings once learned
-better watercolor technique
-work on jealousy some more
-continue to be extroverted, be cool with meeting new peeps
-blog more often! At least one blog post per week, BUT don't let it compromise social time
-send more handwritten letters and postcards to friends and family
-continue writing in a personal journal as well as here
I'm at a MUCH better, happier place at the beginning of this year than I was at this time in 2012. I love life, I love myself, and I accept that I am a person who loves to eat bread, wear children's hats, and play pokemon. And I'm awesome at all of those things.
I'm going to continue to get stronger and faster, to be wild with an untamable heart. To create and to use my imagination. To care for and cherish the world around me. To be social and realize it's okay when I'm not. I'm going to be ME!

(p.s. this is totally my 200th post)
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